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By, Tonio Borg, European Commissioner for Health

By, Tonio Borg, European Commissioner for Health

In 2010, the total costs of mental disorders for health systems, social welfare systems and the economy were estimated to be more than € 450 billion.  Major depression is among the top three causes of disability in all EU-Member States. Mental disorders are the reason for almost one third of claims for work disability and early retirement in the EU-countries, thereby depriving citizens of health and quality of life, and the labour markets of increasingly scarce human resources.

In order to address these challenges and to promote positive mental well-being, the Commission launched in 2008 the European Pact for Mental health and Well-being.  Earlier this year, the implementation of the Pact entered into a new phase, with the start of a Joint Action on Mental Health and Well-being under the EU-Health Programme.  Under the lead of Portugal, it involves 25 Member States plus Norway and Iceland.  Its objectives are to develop recommendations guiding Member States in their actions, and to agree on a proposal for a common framework on action for mental health. 

On 10 October, World Mental Health Day, the Commission publishes a new study supported by the Health Programme “Mental health Systems in the European Union Member States, Status of Mental Health in Populations and Benefits to be expected from Investments into Mental Health”.

On 10-11 October, the Lithuanian EU-Presidency is hosting its Presidency conference on “Mental health: Challenges and Possibilities”. I will be there, to signal, together with the Presidency, the recognition the European Union attaches to mental health.

Mental Health

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