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The adoption of Council Regulation No 1172/98/EC in May 1998 marked an important step forward in the evolution of Community transport statistics in the European Union. This Regulation provides a legal base for the collection of a wide range of data on road freight transport. This Reference Manual aims to provide detailed guidance for Member States and Candidate countries engaged in the implementation of this Regulation with legal requirements of 2008 as reference year. This guidance falls into three parts: Part A: recommendations for sample surveys of the transport of goods by road; Part B: recommendations for the variables, definitions and explanatory notes; Part C: rules for transmission of data to Eurostat, data validations carried out by Eurostat and rules for data dissemination by Eurostat.

Additional information

Product code: KS-RA-07-029
ISBN 978-92-79-04783-1
ISSN 1977-0375
Theme: Transport
Collection: Manuals and guidelines