Back European Statistics Competition video winners

7 September 2020


We are very excited to announce the results of the European Statistics Competition (ESC) 2020, which was held in the school year 2019-2020.

Over 17 000 students from 17 countries signed up for the third edition of this statistical literacy competition.

After a tough national phase, the winning teams in each participating country were invited to make a two-minute video on the topic 'Young people in Europe'. Using official statistics, contestants had to demonstrate which issues young people in their country or region face. In spite of the extra challenges brought by the Covid19 pandemic, the students produced some really amazing videos.

A jury of European experts assessed the 57 submissions to choose the top videos in both the age group 14-16 (27 submissions) and the age group 16-18 (30 submissions).


Winners of the 14-16 age group

Team NILGADRIES (Belgium) takes first prize in the junior age group (14-16). In their winning video, they explore the future of Emma and Nathan, two 15 year-olds living in two different regions in Belgium, when it comes to education, employment, health and well-being. The jury was impressed by the quality of the video animation. They also appreciated the video’s clear message and analysis of regional differences alongside national data.

The second and third teams chose live action videos to tell their stories. The second place goes to team TEGLZAROŽE (Slovenia) with their focus on protagonist Marija and her educational and labour market opportunities. Team FRESIITO (Estonia) obtains third place with their video about carbon foot print.

The teams CERVICALIA (Poland) and Tristat (Italy) complete the top five.


Winners of the 16-18 age group

In the senior age group (16-18), the first prize goes to team ORŁY_Z_IV (Poland). Through a Lego-block-animation, their video describes some of the issues young people are facing due to the Covid19 pandemic. The team impressed the jury not only by their very creative, refreshing and relatable video, but also by the way they looked for data with links to the current crisis.

The second and third places were a close call. Team Cirurgiões (Portugal) takes home second place with its live action story about the labour market opportunities of protagonist Ted. Team Trilussa’s chicks (Italy) obtains third place with an animated video about drunk driving.

The videos of the teams HAKUMA (Poland) and MARS (France) also earn a place in the top five.


A virtual award ceremony will take place on 5 October 2020 16:00 CET.


This year’s jury was composed of experts in the fields of communication, journalism, science education, gamification and video production:

Agueda Gras-Velazquez, Head of the Science Education Department at European Schoolnet

Eva Lopez, Innovation Manager and Data Journalist at Deutsche Welle (DW)

Harutyun Tsatryan, European Youth Press, executive board member responsible for projects and partnerships

Helle Harbo Holm, Head of Press at Statistics Denmark

Jo Røislien, Professor of medical statistics and science communicator

Kimmo Vehkalahti, Senior Lecturer in the Centre for Social Data Science at the University of Helsinki

Maja Andlovic and Domen Ožbot, Videokeks production

Péter Kovács, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration and Head of the Department of Statistics and Demography at University of Szeged

Samantha Clarke, Assistant Professor of Design Futures in the Centre for Arts, Memory & Communities at Coventry University

Tim Allen, Deputy-Head of Dissemination at Eurostat, chairman of the jury


For more information, go to


European Statististics Competition