Zurück 486 kg of municipal waste generated per person

22. August 2019

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The amount of municipal waste generated per person in the European Union (EU) in 2017 is estimated to amount to 486 kg. This figure is unchanged from 2016 and is 7% below the peak of 525 kg per person in 2002.

The EU Member States which generated the most municipal waste per person in 2017 were Denmark (781 kg per person), followed by Cyprus (estimated at 637 kg per person) and Germany (estimated at 633 kg per person).



Ranked bar chart showing municipal waste generated per capita by country, 2017


At the other end of the scale, three Member States generated less than 350 kg of municipal waste per person in 2017: Romania (272 kg per person), Poland (315 kg per person) and Czechia (344 kg per person).


For more information:

  • Additional statistics on municipal waste, including statistics on the way municipal waste is treated, can be found in the Statistics Explained article on municipal waste statistics
  • An overview of Eurostat's statistics on waste is accessible here
  • The source dataset is Eurostat table env_wasmun.


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