Zurück Most EU cars run on petrol

24. Oktober 2019

© Syda Productions/Shutterstock.com

In 2017, in 13 out of 24 Member States for which data are available, over half the cars ran on petrol. This share was largest in Cyprus (84%) ahead of Finland (74%) and Denmark (69%).

Diesel-driven cars exceeded the 50% threshold in France (68%), Lithuania (67%), Luxembourg (62%), Belgium (58%), Spain and Austria (both 57%), Latvia and Portugal (both 56%) as well as in Ireland (53%).

The use of alternative fuels, such as electricity, natural gas, biofuels and others, was highest in Poland (15%), Lithuania (9%), Italy and Latvia (both 8%).


Passenger cars by fuel type, 2017

The source dataset is accessible here.


Note: The category ‘alternative fuels’ may be overestimated in some countries due to the lack of accurate data sources. 


For more information on transport indicators, take a look at the newly published statistical book Energy, transport and environment indicators – 2019 edition.


Cover of Energy, transport and environment indicators – 2019 edition


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