In July 2023, 80 665 first-time asylum applicants (non-EU citizens) applied for international protection in EU countries, indicating a 20% increase compared with July 2022 (67 315). 

There were also 5 225 subsequent applicants, representing an 11% decrease compared with July 2022 (5 900).

This information comes from the monthly asylum data published by Eurostat today. The article presents a handful of findings from the more detailed Statistics Explained article on monthly asylum statistics.

timeline: first-time and subsequent asylum applicants in the EU, January 2019 to July 2023

Source dataset: migr_asyappctzm 

Syrian nationals: largest group of asylum-seekers

As in previous months, in July 2023, Syrians were the largest group of people seeking asylum (14 835 first-time applicants). They were followed by Afghans (8 105), ahead of Turks (5 905), Venezuelans (4 950) and Colombians (4 600). 

Germany, Spain and France received 59% of all first-time asylum applicants

Similarly to previous months, in July 2023, Germany (25 105), Spain (11 945) and France (10 605) continued to receive the highest number of first-time asylum applicants, accounting for 59% of all first-time applicants in the EU.

In July 2023, the EU total of first-time asylum applicants was 18.0 per hundred thousand people. Compared with the population of each EU country (on 1 January 2023), the highest rate of registered first-time applicants in July 2023 was recorded in Cyprus (99.7 applicants per hundred thousand people), ahead of Austria (57.4). By contrast, the lowest rate was observed in Hungary (0.0).

3 790 unaccompanied minors applying for asylum in EU countries

bar chart: unaccompanied minors in the EU (July 2023)

Source dataset: migr_asyumactm

In July 2023, 3 790 unaccompanied minors applied for asylum for the first time in the EU, mostly from Afghanistan (1 205) and Syria (1 190).

The EU countries which received the highest number of asylum applications from unaccompanied minors in July 2023 were Germany (1 065), ahead of Austria (755), the Netherlands (575) and Bulgaria (470).

For more information

  • Statistics Explained article on monthly asylum statistics
  • Statistics Explained article on annual asylum statistics
  • News article on Ukrainians granted temporary protection in August 2023
  • Thematic section on migration and asylum statistics
  • Database on asylum statistics

Methodology notes

  • Lithuania: data unavailable for first-time applicants for May 2023, April 2023 data used.
  • Subsequent applications: new data collection from the reference year 2021. Total based on available data.
  • Denmark, Cyprus and Sweden: due to temporary derogations data on subsequent applications are not available. Therefore, they are not included in the total calculated. 
  • Due to temporary derogations, data on unaccompanied minor asylum applicants for Cyprus and Poland are not available.  As a result, these Member States were not included in the calculation.  
  • Data on unaccompanied minor asylum applicants for France are not available.
  • Statistics on asylum applicants considered to be unaccompanied minors presented in the article refer to the age accepted by the national authorities; however, this is before the age assessment procedure is carried out/completed.
  • Data presented in this publication are rounded to the nearest five. 

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