Sonstige Veröffentlichungen

Since December 2011, Regulation (EU) 1173/2011 on the effective enforcement of budgetary surveillance in the euro area, empowers the Commission to launch investigations if there are serious indications of misrepresentation of statistics, intentionally or due to serious negligence.

Report on the misrepresentation of statistics in Land Salzburg, Austria

On 3 May 2016, the European Commission decided to launch a formal investigation into the possible misrepresentation of statistics from Land Salzburg, Austria. This was the second time that the Commission drew on its powers under Regulation (EU) 1173/2011 to investigate suspected misrepresentation of a Member State's deficit and debt data.

The investigation aimed at assessing whether the serious indications of misrepresentation of deficit and debt data in 2012 could be confirmed and, if so, whether it was a result of intent or serious negligence.  The report, adopted by the Commission on 22 February 2017, presents the findings of the Commission in the light of the investigation conducted, together with the key facts supporting those findings.

Report on the misrepresentation of statistics in Land Salzburg, Austria

Report on the manipulation of statistics in the region of Valencia, Spain

On 11 July 2014, the European Commission decided to launch a formal investigation into the possible manipulation of statistics from the Autonomous Community of Valencia, Spain. This was the first time that the Commission drew on its powers under Regulation (EU) 1173/2011 to investigate suspected manipulation of a Member State's deficit and debt data.

The investigation aimed at assessing whether the serious indications of misrepresentation of deficit and debt data in 2012 could be confirmed and, if so, whether it was a result of intent or serious negligence.  The report, adopted by the Commission on 7 May 2015, presents the findings of the Commission in the light of the investigation conducted, together with the key facts supporting those findings.

Report on the manipulation of statistics in the region of Valencia, Spain (07 May 2015)