Back Female students under-represented in ICT

25 April 2019


About 1.3 million people were studying Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the European Union (EU) in 2016. Girls and women were largely in a minority, accounting for only 17 % of all ICT students.

Across the EU Member States, their share ranged from less than 10 % in Netherlands (6%) and Belgium (8 %) to over 30 % in Bulgaria (33 %) and Romania (31 %).

Bar chart of proportion of ICT students who are female, 2016

The source dataset can be found here.

Note: These figures refer to students studying at upper secondary level or above. Also, data by field of education are not available for post-secondary non-tertiary education (ISCED 4) in Czechia, Ireland and Italy or for doctoral or equivalent level (ISCED 8) in the Netherlands.

This information is published by Eurostat on the occasion of International Girls in ICT Day, celebrated on the 4th Thursday in April every year. It is a global initiative aimed at raising awareness among girls and young women about the importance of digital skills and encouraging them to consider studies and careers in information and communication technologies.


For more information:

  • Overview of statistics on the digital economy and society.


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