Ürituste kalender

Employment and Poverty: the Role of social Partners in the Fight against Poverty

Kellelt 20/10 Kellele 20/10

This event is supported by the Belgian Ministry of Employment, the Belgian coordination for the European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion and the European Network of Excellence RECWOWE (Reconciling Work and Welfare in Europe). The conference will be held on October 20th 2010 in Brussels, in the “Brussels Meeting Centre Square”. The conference aims at stimulating the role of social partners in the crucial issue of the fight against poverty and social exclusion, their central role being widely acknowledged and emphasised in European and national social policy making. There is also a need to improve dialogue and collaboration between all stakeholders concerned by this issue.

The conference will discuss the possibilities of action for social partners on the transversal question of the improvement of job quality as a way to contribute more efficiently to the reduction of poverty in European societies. The focus of discussions will be on two major issues at the crossroads of employment and poverty: the working poor and the current emphasis on the so-called “active social inclusion”. A set of recommendations will be proposed and discussed with the view of introducing them in the European debate but also at national and/or sub-national levels.

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