
European Commission Digital

Release of the eIDAS Technical Specifications v 1.2

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The CEF eID team is pleased to announce the release of the updated version of technical specifications for the eIDAS interoperability framework (v. 1.2). 

The release of the technical specifications is foreseen by the eIDAS Regulation No 910/2014 and article 12 of the implementing regulation No 2015/1501 is creating the platform enabling practical connectivity between eID means from different Member States to foster interoperability.

The specifications have been developed by Member States and the European Commission collaborating in the technical subgroup on eID of the eIDAS Cooperation Network. The Commission also provides, as part of the CEF eID services, a sample implementation based on these technical specifications which Member States can adopt as an "off-the-shelf" implementation.

The current version was endorsed by Opinion No. 5/2019 of the Cooperation Network on 27 September 2019. It consists of four separate documents, each concerning a specific area: 

  • The eIDAS Message Format;
  • eIDAS SAML Attribute Profile;
  • eIDAS Cryptographic Requirement; and 
  • eIDAS Interoperability Architecture. 

The current technical specifications have been updated compared to the previous 1.1 version. This update concerns notably the use of non-notified eID schemes, identification of Relying parties, fixes in attributes profiles and cryptographic requirements and improvements in metadata handling.

These technical specifications will be subject to further development in the normal course of events and any subsequent changes will form part of the timed release management process.

The Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) eID Building Block primarily supports the Member States in the roll-out of the eIDAS Network (the technical infrastructure which connects national eID schemes). CEF eID is a set of services (including software, documentation, training and support) provided by the European Commission and endorsed by the Member States, which helps public administrations and private Service Providers to extend the use of their online services to citizens from other European countries.