
European Commission Digital

New Q2 2019 figures show increased Building Block adoption

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The latest quarterly figures for the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)-funded Digital Service Infrastructure (DSIs), including Building Blocks, show that their adoption continued to increase in Q2 2019.

To build a Digital Single Market in Europe, the CEF programme supports a set of generic and reusable Digital Service Infrastructures (DSI), also known as Building Blocks. Currently, there are eight Building Blocks: Big Data Test Infrastructure, Context Broker, Archiving, eDelivery, eID, eInvoicing, eSignature and eTranslation. Blockchain and the Once Only Principle are also on their way to becoming CEF Building Blocks. Some DSI are specific to certain sectors, such as eHealth or eJustice.

Increased uptake at a glance

Q1 2014 - Q2 2019, CEF Monitoring Dashboard

New Cybersecurity DSI Dashboard

The Commission launched a new dashboard shows the uptake of the Cybersecurity DSI. The dashboard reports on the number of CSIRTs (Computer Security Incident Response Teams). A CSIRT is a group of IT professionals that provides an organization with services and support surrounding the prevention, management and coordination of potential cybersecurity-related emergencies. The Cybersecurity DSI promotes the establishment and deployment of a voluntary core cooperation platform of cooperation mechanisms

The European Commission updates the CEF Dashboard on a quarterly basis with new data and features to improve the visibility on the progress made by the DSIs and to enhance transparency.

To find out more visit the Monitoring Dashboard, the Reuse and CEF Digital.