
European Commission Digital

EBSI - Joint User Group’ Workshop, October 2019

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On 22-23 October 2019, the European Blockchain Services Infrastructure (EBSI) joint user group workshop brought together experts working on the current EBSI use cases: European Self-Sovereign Identity (ESSIF), diplomas, notarisation and the Technical Infrastructure group.

The European Commission organised the workshop to finalise and validate the analysis and architecture phase of EBSI in order to continue the development of EBSI 1.0 in November 2019. The workshop was also an opportunity to prepare the upcoming European Blockchain Partnership Policy and Technical groups quarterly meeting, scheduled to take place during the “Convergence” on 11-13 November 2019 in Malaga, Spain.

During the workshop, the assembled experts presented their work to date which then provided room for discussion and input from the Member States

Discussions focused on how the Member States can contribute by hosting an EBSI node in their respective countries, with several Member States having expressed great interest in doing so.

The EBSI is a joint initiative from the European Commission and the European Blockchain Partnership to deliver EU-wide cross-border public services using blockchain technology. The EBSI will be materialised as a network of distributed nodes across Europe (the blockchain), leveraging an

increasing number of applications focused on specific use cases. In 2020, EBSI will become a Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Building Block, providing reusable software, specifications and services to support adoption by EU institutions and European public administrations.

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