
European Commission Digital

CEF eInvoicing Readiness Checker Decommissioning | See the current service offering

The CEF eInvoicing team hereby announces the decommissioning of the eInvoicing Readiness Checker tool.

The Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) eInvoicing Building Block provides a broad selection of services to support the adoption of the standard, especially at the regional and local level ahead of 18 April 2020, the deadline for sub-central actors in certain Member States. These services include:

Registry of supporting artefacts

The registry of supporting technical artefacts to implement the European standard is the main reference point of access to the European standard itself, code lists (country, currency etc.), validation artefacts, and the Core Invoice Usage Specifications (CIUS) and extensions. It supports users in implementing eInvoicing according to the European standard. This registry allows you to submit requests for change and contribute to the technical artefacts’ evolution to suit market needs.

Conformance Testing

A test infrastructure allowing you to check the conformance of your eInvoicing solution against the European standard in a specific syntax.

Implementation package

Implementation workshops: on-site workshops provided to public entities and policy makers.

Remote trainings: live open online sessions focused on eInvoicing topics for specialised target audiences.

Webinars: series of nine one-hour long webinars on eInvoicing topics open to all audiences.

Country Factsheets

Every European Union Member State has a unique approach to dealing with eInvoicing.

For each country, you can find out more about their policy framework, eInvoicing platform (if existing) and approach for receiving and processing eInvoices.

eInvoicing Knowledge Base

An easy reference repository for eInvoicing-related information. It includes information about access to the different code lists, codes used and their meaning and a glossary of elements used in the

European eInvoicing standard.

The Knowledge base provides information on EU and country specific levels

Dedicated Service Desk

Offers support to users of any of the CEF eInvoicing services. It is a Single Point of Contact to address questions, incidents, requests and changes reported by the users