
European Commission Digital

CEF eSignature training on Trusted List Manager 5.6

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On 23 October 2019, the European Commission organised a training for Trusted List Scheme Operators (TLSOs) in Brussels, Belgium.

The training included 16 participants from 14 EU Member States. The eSignature technical team taught those present how to set-up and maintain trusted lists.

Qualified trust services provided in Europe (e.g. issuance of qualified certificates for electronic signatures or seals, qualified timestamping services) are listed in national trusted lists in all EU and European Economic Area Member States.

The trusted lists can include both qualified trust services and non-qualified trust services. Qualified trust services must be included on a national trusted list to be qualified, while it is up to each Member State whether – and which – non-qualified trust services to include in their trusted list.

The Member States' TLSOs can create and edit a trusted list in a standard, machine-readable format using the Trusted List Manager, a service of the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) eSignature Building Block.

The training concerned Trusted List Manager 5.6. It is used for:

  • Editing my Trusted List
  • Browsing any Trusted List
  • Monitoring my Trusted List
    • Trusted list availability
    • (ETSI) Trusted List Conformance Checker
  • Sending a Member State notification to the European Commission
    • Trusted list -signing certificates and trusted list location
    • Member State contact list
    • EU Login user access
  • Alerting Member State about:
    • New publications
    • Trusted List unavailability
    • Signing certificate about to expire
    • TL about to expire

For this training, the CEF eSignature team prepared a dedicated test environment. Participants undertook hands-on exercises resolving technical issues in real-time.

On the basis of positive feedback, another training is foreseen looking into more specific topics relating to maintenance of national trusted lists.

The team established that a second TL-Manager training should soon be organised

The CEF eSignature Building Block helps public administrations and businesses to accelerate the creation and verification of electronic signatures across borders. It provides the DSS open-source library for the construction of signing solutions; the Trusted List Browser, helping you find a Trust Service Provider; e-signature validation tests and a dedicated service desk (including a support desk for the closed community of national TLSOs).