
European Commission Digital

Emanuele Baldacci presents EU reusable solutions at eFörvaltningsdagarna 2019, in Stockholm

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On 7 October 2019, Emanuele Baldacci, Director of Digital Services in the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Informatics (DIGIT), presented on the “Bigger Picture of Single Market Digitalisation” during the eFörvaltningsdagarna 2019

The Förvaltningsdagarna (“eAdministration” Days) is Sweden’s largest eGovernment conference and a key meeting place for representatives from eGovernment and digital transformation in national, regional and local administrations, as well as business and civil society.

Mr Baldacci explained that one of the European Commission’s key priorities is building a Europe fit for the digital age, providing the opportunity for governments – at all levels – to better serve their people.

At the European level, this means establishing legal frameworks. On one hand, this might be a “hard” framework, such as the eIDAS Regulation on Trust Services and Authentication in the Internal Market. Alternatively, they may be “soft”, such as the European Interoperability Framework (EIF).

To support the implementation of such frameworks, the Commission provides technical enablers to build digital services that work across sectors and borders. This includes the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Building Blocks, key standards-based digital infrastructure, which can support digitalisation in different areas, from authentication to procurement or from machine translation to secure data exchange. This also includes dedicated interoperability solutions for public administrations, businesses and citizens under the ISA² programme.

Projects across sectors use such building blocks to deliver secure, cross-border digital services in domains such as health, justice, commerce and social security. In tandem, the Once Only Principle proposes that citizens and businesses should only provide their data to the public sector only once.

The Digital Europe Programme will ultimately realise the Once Only Principle architecture in a Government Interoperability Platform, which will help Member States push forward their own digital transformation.

Via the Digital Europe Programme, Commission is proposing €9.2 billion investment in Europe’s first ever digital programme.

Mr Baldacci concluded that the Digital Europe Programme will support investments made by EU Member States and industry in the key areas of artificial intelligence, advanced computing & data handling, cybersecurity and help people develop the digital skills necessary to deploy them.

Download the slides to see the presentation