
European Commission Digital

Call for proposals: EU Student eCard Core Service Platform - apply by 14 November 2019


On 4 July 2919, the European Commission launched an open call for proposals for developing and rolling out the Core Service Platform of the EU Student eCard Digital Service Infrastructure (DSI). This call is part of the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Telecom 2019-2020 Work Programme. An indicative budget of €2.5 million is available for this objective. This call closes on 14 November 2019.

The EU Student eCard initiative is part of the Digital Education Action Plan, aiming to improve the quality of student mobility in Europe. The initiative is linked to the EU's electronic identification rules (eIDAS Regulation) and aims at re-using several CEF Building Blocks to provide a seamless cross-border electronic exchange of student data and documents based on the Once-Only Principle.

As a first step, the electronic services of the higher education institutions will be connected with the Member States' eID Nodes implemented in the framework of the eIDAS Regulation. This would make it possible for students to authenticate themselves (or their other academic related data) and use the online services of the higher educational institution in another EU Member State with the national eID means of their country of origin.

The CEF eID building block is a set of services (including software, documentation, training and support) provided by the European Commission and endorsed by the Member States, which helps public administrations and private service providers to extend the use of their online services through the mutual recognition of national eID schemes.

Information Day

The Commission hosted an Information Day for those who interested in the EU Student eCard Core Service Platform Call. The event took place on 13 September 2019, in Luxembourg City, Luxembourg. This event helped participants better understand the call and the proposal submission requirements, facilitated the sharing of ideas and experiences, and allowed networking between potential partners for project consortia.

The European Commission’s presentation slides, together with the Q&A, are available on the Call website.

Danish Basic Data Program

The Basic Data Program aims at establishing a government shared registry for data distribution in many different fields. When data is uploaded, public authorities cannot ask users for the same data anymore and have to obtain it from the system itself.

@Photo from Pixabay.


The Basic Data Program creates a government shared registry for data distribution, called Common Public-Sector Data Distributor. This program introduces the once-only principle. Governmental institutions, businesses, and citizens are three main beneficiaries of this program.

Public authorities cannot ask users for the same data that was provided earlier and have to obtain it from the system itself. This requirement avoids the replication of information transactions between citizens and the government, and reduces substantially the burden for users in reporting information and for providers in managing information.
The Basic Data Distributor is based on the sharing and the re-use of the following core information (collected in 10 electronic registries) that public authorities use in their daily data procedures, such as:
- Personal data;
- Business data;
- Real property data;
- address data;
- Geographic data;
- Income data.
This program was developed by central Danish government in cooperation with local government (association of municipalities) and shares citizens and businesses data between all public authorities at different levels. This prevent repeatedly providing of same information to different parts of public sector and reduce administrative burden on citizens as well as businesses.
The main aims for developing the Basic Data Distributor are:
- Basic data needs to be as correct, complete and up-to-date as possible;
- Data must be harmonized in the same format;
- All public authorities must use basic data found in the Distributor in their daily procedures;
- As far as possible, basic data (excluding sensitive personal data) must be made freely available to businesses as well as the public; precisely, each department will have access exclusively to data relevant to its activities and not all data will be made available to everyone (e.g. personal data from the Civil Registration System);
- Basic data must be distributed efficiently, accommodating the needs of the users.

OOP aspect

When data is uploaded, public authorities cannot ask users for the same data anymore and have to obtain it from the system itself.





Start date1 Jan 2013 
End date1 Dec 2016 
DomainPublic matter 
Nature and status of project Rolled Out 
Is the OOP case/enabler mandatory? Mandatory

Enabling assets or components 

Political commitment
Danish Basic Data Program is part of the Danish eGovernment strategy 2011-2015.

Legal interoperability
Any recoding, processing, and furture distribution of basic data about individuals must comply with Act on processing of personal data.

Data handling / data exchange

Type of data sharing

Actual data

Data handler

Stakeholder nameStakeholder typeStakeholder roleKind of data



Data subject

Basic data in many different field

BusinessesBusinessData subject

Ministry of public sector innovation


Public authoritiesGovernmentData consumer Basic data in many different field
Public authoritiesGovernmentData providerBasic data in many different field

Further stakeholders

A clear repartition of tasks has been realized across the governmental institutions to coordinate the effort and monitor progress across the different administrations participating in the programme. In addition, the cross-institutional Basic Data Committee has been created to coordinate development initiatives and changes to basic data, to foster efficiency improvements, to harmonize interfaces, standards and data models, to promote dialogue between the public and private sector and to ensure the full exploitation of basic data by public authorities.

Benefits for involved actors

Benefits for public:
• Better public services in the form of speedier case processing and fewer errors in individual cases
• Less reporting to public authorities, for example to correct errors
• Less need for re-entering data in online self-service solutions, when forms are filled in automatically with relevant and fully up-to-date basic data.

Benefits for Businesses:
• Less red tape – less reporting and registration
• Faster digitisation, fewer errors and more efficient and effective procedures
• Cheaper procurement of public-sector data
• Improved foundation for collaboration with the public sector due to the existence of common data
• Improved as well as new opportunities to develop new data-based services and products.

Benefits for public authorities:
• Efficient and effective maintenance of basic data and fewer redundant registers
• Operational savings on own IT systems and update of data locally
• Cheaper development of IT systems, when basic data is accessible from a single source
• Fewer manual workflows, fewer errors and shorter case-processing times
• Improved control e.g. of payments, so that social welfare fraud can be reduced. 

External impacts

This program can help police by giving them access to good
and coherent basic data.
Easy and open access to high-quality basic data constitutes a huge growth potential for businesses and organisations working professionally with public-sector data. Moreover this provides good opportunities for new businesses to emerge.
The Basic Data Programme is expected to reach € 100 million annual savings for society in 2020. The potential benefits of the programme tend to stabilise from 2017. Afterwards, benefits exceed costs for all the public entities. Moreover, better accesses to higher quality data could leads to economic growth in different sectors including real estate, telecommunications, and transport. Additionally, implementation of this program has potential to leads to new types of services and also more efficient digital services in the private sector.

Lessons learned 

- The steering of a programme of such a size, which involves both infrastructure and content, is difficult.
- It is difficult to calculate the benefits of the project for the private sector, which explains why the Danish government funds the project.
- Data distribution is becoming a central function that all ministries are now closely monitoring.
- Guided by Business Cases and public sector efficiency gains.
- Based on a strong tradition of strategic and operational corporation in the public sector on e-government (local, regional and state).
- The programme is sponsored by high level political boards.
- The financing is done up front (costs and gains).
- The programme solves many long-standing issues.


Disclaimer: Please note that this article is a result of the SCOOP4C Pilot Project, not an application of a CEF Building Block.

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Bulgarian National Council on Prices and Reimbursement of Medicinal Products

Pursuant to the legislation of the Republic of Bulgaria, National Council on Prices and Reimbursement of Medicinal Products (NCPRMP) regulates and registers the prices of medicinal products (MP) by carrying checks in 17 reference member-states.

@Photo from Pixabay.


Pursuant to the legislation of the Republic of Bulgaria, National Council on Prices and Reimbursement of Medicinal Products (NCPRMP) regulates and registers the prices of medicinal products (MP) by carrying checks in 17 reference member-states. As a result of the obtained information NCPRMP keeps public register of prices of MPs both in the Positive Drug List (reimbursement list) and for free sale. Public registers are used by pharmaceutical companies, business organisations, government institutions (Ministry of Health, the National reimbursement fund, hospitals, pharmacies, etc.) as well as citizens. As a result of the implementation of the information system, companies do not provide re-information about registered medicinal products that are already available in the system.





Start date1 Apr 2014 
Nature and status of project Rolled Out 
Is the OOP case/enabler mandatory? Mandatory

Enabling assets or components 

Political commitment
Title of the document:
Type of commitment:
- Strategic targets: One-time data collection for citizens and companies and multiple use of such;

Legal interoperability
Title of the document:
- Strategy "Europe -2020", Framework of WHO for policies “Health - 2020" and the Concept “Goals for Health” developed on its basis by the Ministry of Health. The Ordinance of the council of Ministers “Partnership for Health”. National plan for the annual priorities of the development of Bulgaria, April 2013 - December 2020.
- National eHealth Strategy 2016 - 2020 and Roadmap for its implementation. The e-Health sector (2016-2020) sectoral strategy was set up by the Ministry of Health and aims to further develop a healthcare strategy to build and implement policies for the implementation of eHealth. The policy strategy defines the approach, principles and technical solutions for the implementation of the information service in the healthcare sector, part of which is its medicinal policy. The goal of the strategy is to achieve high-quality public services for citizens and businesses, increase efficiency and transparent governance. The eHealth Roadmap includes the development and deployment of electronic registers in the Healthcare sector, including a register of medicinal products in human medicine, with unique identification introduced. In execution of the strategy document registers of the ceiling prices of the medicinal products, which are included and not included in the reimbursement lists of the Republic of Bulgaria, have been created. Electronic public services are created with the option of on-line registration and checking. The implemented public registers of the NCPRMP provide for the possibility of one-time collection and multiple use of data, respecting the principle of open data.
In Bulgarian legislation, and in particular in the Law on Electronic Governance, the principle of the one-time collection of data introduced by the provision of Art. 2. (1) Administrative bodies, public officials and public service organizations cannot require citizens or organizations to present or prove the data already collected or created but must collect them ex officio from the primary administrator of the data.
(2) The primary data controller shall be an administrative body that by law collects or creates data for a citizen or organization for the first time and modifies or deletes such data. It provides citizens and organizations with access to all the information gathered for them.

Data handling / data exchange

Type of data sharing

Actual data

Data handler

Stakeholder nameStakeholder type


Database owner

BusinessDatabase consumer
BusinessDatabase provider
CitizenDatabase consumer
GovernmentDatabase consumer


Ensured access to the registers of NCPRMP via Internet both by direct search and review of data in the registers via the public web-interface, as well as by automated mode in system to system via web services. For the latter, the parties concerned are being provided by WSDL definition of service.

Benefits for involved actors

As a Result of the implementation of the information system time is saved for the business and improves the access of the citizens to the information. It improves the quality of the data. Realization of the access to public registers of prices of medicinal products will facilitate both citizens and business and, besides, huge savings of indirect expenses will be realized and greater transparency will be provided relating to spending public funds for medicinal products. Through the web-based service this information is used by various users and the repeated submission to NCPRMP is not necessary:

- Benefit for the citizens
Any citizen who is a client of a pharmacy and who doubts whether the price of a medicinal product is too high, can now check by his/her mobile telephone the ceiling of the respective medicinal product on the web-site of the Council. A decisive factor for the implementation of the project by NCPRMP is the effective and purposeful spending the funds provided under Operating Programmе “Administrative Capacity", funded by monies of the European union through the European Social Fund.
Electronic public registers are available to everybody who has internet access. Typing the name of a MP we can receive all data that are kept in the public registers, such as: information is this product fully or partially reimbursed by NHIF and if yes – how much are we to pay the pharmacy including the total percentage of payment. In case medicinal product is payable by NHIF, the cheapest product in the respective group shall be marked by a special colour. So any citizen would easily be oriented about the lowest price of provided that he/she would accept a more expensive alternative or co-payment had increased, he/she can ask the doctor to change the medicinal product with a less expensive.
Citizens can also check: medicines for a specific disease, specific dosage. Pharmacological group, price breakdown, when has been the last change of the price of a certain medicine, etc.
On the web site there is also a service for people in inequity – reading by an electronic reader and enlargement of font.

- Benefits for the business:
The Council provides 15 types of electronic services to the pharmaceutical companies that register their medicinal products in Bulgaria. Opportunity for electronic submission and on-line verification of the status of administrative services, the time of business which exceptionally saves the time of business.

- About public benefit
NCPRMP by its activity has economized public funds to a considerable amount. CPRMP performs checks of saved data of MPs in real time (on-line) provided by government institutions, patient organisations, narrow medical specialists and experts and last but not least - citizens. Access to the electronic services can be done only by a qualified electronic signature (QES), which guarantees the legitimacy of the information. The data from the web-service are in read-only format where the use is allowed by IP address. Submission of applications directly online helps reduce errors during data transfer from a paper application into the Council’s system and improves data quality. The system has installed algorithms for internal logical checks which additionally help avoid human errors and that, on its turn improves quality.

Lessons learned 

Automate and improve the exchange of information between NCPRMP and other institutions as a result of the successfully implemented system and the once-only principle. Development of own information systems by other institutions (e.g. Ministry of Health and National health
insurance fund), which use in real time the already collected information from NCPRMP.


Disclaimer: Please note that this article is a result of the SCOOP4C Pilot Project, not an application of a CEF Building Block.

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Bulgarian Guide for Administrative Assistance and Awareness (GAAA)

The GAAA converts the citizens and business from buyers of administrative services into individuals and companies with problems, which can be solved by the administrations by provisioning of administrative services.

@Photo from Pixabay.


The GAAA supports the provision of information about the administrative services in “problem centered form” (focused on citizens and businesses and events of life) not in “service centered form” (focused on administration). The problem definition consists of a sequence of necessary activities ensuring the corresponding problem solving. This sequence includes only one service, related exactly to the problem solved and excludes services, concerning providing the data from other administrations.

This way the GAAA is a further development of Once-Only Principle.




Start date1 Aug 2015 
DomainPublic matter 
Nature and status of project Rolled Out 
Is the OOP case/enabler mandatory? Mandatory

Enabling assets or components 

Legal interoperability

Municipality Legislation

Data handling / data exchange

Type of data sharing

Actual data

Data handler

Stakeholder nameStakeholder type

Sofia Municipality




Citizens and Business are direct consumers of GAAA-data, prepared by Sofia Municipality.

Lessons learned

It turned out that was very difficult to change the way of thinking of administration - from services seller to institution charged with the responsibility for solving of problems of citizens and business.


Disclaimer: Please note that this article is a result of the SCOOP4C Pilot Project, not an application of a CEF Building Block.

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Austrian electronic health records (ELGA)

ELGA is an information system that simplifies the process of accessing the health records for the patient and the doctors, as well as other health care professionals at hospitals, care facilities and pharmacies.

@Photo from Pixabay.


ELGA is an information system providing references to health data of ELGA participants. This means that health data are not stored centrally, but just the information that the respective health data are available and can be accessed by authorised health service providers (general practitioners, hospitals, laboratories etc.).
This makes information available to doctors for optimum treatment and double or even multiple examinations can be avoided.
Part of ELGA will be e-medication. Prescribed and obtained medicine is recorded in order to detect and prevent contraindications (interactions between several drugs taken) as well as double prescriptions.
ELGA thus mainly aims at the patients’ safety and the improvement in treatment quality. Moreover, ELGA makes it possible for patients to access their own data.
ELGA is a joint project of the Federal government, the provinces and Austrian social insurance.
All natural persons known to Austrian social insurance who have not rejected ELGA participation take part in ELGA, irrespective of citizenship and residence.

OOP aspect

ELGA networks all of them and makes them available digitally by means of a link. The doctor as well as the patient can access the records from any location, whenever they want - simply and securely. The aim is to supplement medical treatments and consultation with improved information flow, particularly when several health service providers are working together. 

Start date1 Dec 2013 
Nature and status of project Rolled Out 
Is the OOP case/enabler mandatory? Opt-out

Enabling assets or components 

Legal interoperability
ELGA-Law 2013 (electronic health record-law 2013)
In the ELGA-Law the rights of the citizens as well as the data protection and data security are defined.

ELGA regulation amendment Nov. 2015,
The purpose of this regulation is the implementation and development of the Electronic health records.

Health telematics regulation 2013,
The purpose of this regulation are detailed regulations of technical and organizantional fundamentals of the health telematics.

Data protection and privacy
ELGA data can generally be accessed by health service providers and ELGA participants themselves. Access to ELGA data is subject to the strictest access restrictions. Abuse results both in administrative fines and criminal charges. Via ELGA data can only be accessed if an ELGA participant is in treatment by a health service provider and the ELGA participant does not object. This means that a health service provider only has access to ELGA data if there is no objection from the patient and the e-card of the patient has been used as a “key”.
The highest security standards are in place to safeguard the integrity of the patient's ELGA health data. Communications throughout the entire ELGA system are managed via separate health networks and all data are encrypted. In addition, any misuse of ELGA health data will result in severe penalties.

Trust and transparency
ELGA participants can access their own data at any time using a citizen card function by means of mobile phone signature or e-card at the ELGA access portal and, when doing so, monitor who has accessed what data, control data access, and erase document references so that these will not be available in ELGA any longer.
The ELGA ombudsman offices advise and support ELGA participants in exercising and enforcing their rights in connection with ELGA, as well as in data protection matters.

Data handling / data exchange

Type of data sharing


Data handler

Stakeholder nameStakeholder typeStakeholder roleKind of data



Data provider

Personal data

Hospitals, doctors, care facilities, pharmaciesNGO Data consumer Personal data
ELGA GMBHGovernmentData controllerPersonal data


Patients can access to their personal ELGA records online via the ELGA portal by registering and using the digital signature or the electronic identification card. This electronic ID enables the system to verify the patient's identity.
First it will display discharge notifications, as well as laboratory and radiological results provided by hospitals already working with ELGA. As soon as ELGA health data are generated for the patient, the patient will be able to view them theirself online via the ELGA portal. The system also shows who has accessed the patient's ELGA health records, and when. 

Benefits for involved actors

ELGA saves time, provides a better overview and avoids unnecessary multiple examinations. The patient can view, print or save the ELGA test results and e-medication overview. Thanks to ELGA, the doctor is treating the patient's, and hospitals and care institutions will have rapid access to important diagnostic and therapeutic information. It also enables the patient's pharmacy to see the e-medications record for a period of two hours. The ELGA digital health record system makes a valuable contribution to improved patent safety and security. Participation in ELGA, as well as opting out, is free of charge.


Disclaimer: Please note that this article is a result of the SCOOP4C Pilot Project, not an application of a CEF Building Block.

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Austrian birth registration and family allowance (ALF)

Automatic Family Allowances without Application (ALF) is a no-stop-shop solution for parents with which family allowances for new-born children are paid out automatically. Filling in forms or a visiting the tax office is no longer necessary.

@Photo from Pixabay.


In the once-only process the public services are integrated so that the parents have to visit only the civil registry office and have to bring along (in a standard-case) no evidences except their personal identification (passport or personal ID card). In some cases (for example in larger local authorities), registry offices have even subsidiaries in hospitals so that the parents can do the whole procedure in the hospital. The data of the citizens are stored in a couple of interacting registers, such as, central civil register (ZPR), central citizenship register (ZSR) and central residence register (ZMR), where the government, in permission of the citizens, are allowed to use them. The Civil Registry Office forwards the parents‘ and child’s data to the social insureance and tax authority and these agencies deliver their respective services to the parents automatically.

OOP aspect

The parents of the newborn child have to go only once to the civil registry office in order to register the baby as well as get the family allowance (as long as all informations are available) automatically. 

OOP synonym

One-Stop-Shop; No-Stop-Shop

Start date1 May 2015 
DomainSocial matter 
Nature and status of project Rolled Out 
Is the OOP case/enabler mandatory? Mandatory

Enabling assets or components 

Legal interoperability
The Austrian Act for family benefits 1967,

Technical interoperability
An access to the social insurance agency to deliver the social insurance number for newborns as well as an access to the civil register for an aoutomatic notive of newborns entitled for benefit was necessary.

Data quality
Fraud prevention through automatic proof of entitlement on basis of validated data (registers).
Public administrations get better quality of data through single data collection (civil register).

Data handling / data exchange

Type of data sharing


Data handler

Stakeholder nameStakeholder typeStakeholder roleKind of data



Data provider

Personal data

Hospital NGO Data consumer Personal data
Civil registry officeGovernmentData consumer Personal data
Social insuranceGovernmentData consumer Personal data
Tax authorityGovernmentData consumer Personal data

Further stakeholders

The Federal Ministry of the Interior maintains the interacting registers (ZMR - Central residence register, ZPR - Central civil register). The local authorities are responsible fo the central residence register. The Federal Ministry of Families and Youth Affairs is responsible for the legal aspects of the family allowance and provides the rule catalogue for the acknowledgement of the family allowance.


The hospital indicates the birth of a child to the Civil Registry Office or one of the parents visits only the Civil Registry Office. The Civil Registry Office delivers a notification to the Social Insurance. The Social Insurance provides then the Social Security number to the Tax Authority and the Social Security Card (e-card) to the parents of the newborn. The Tax Authority delivers the family allowance to the parents.

Benefits for involved actors

The benefits for the parents are:
• Reducing administrative burden since they do not need to provide evidences as the Civil Registry Office has anyway through the access to the registers.
• Procedures are simplified, less cumbersome and more convenient, since the Civil Registry Office forwards the parents' and child's data to the social insurance and tax authority and these agencies deliver their respective services to the parents automatically
• Higher satisfaction of parents since they receive the family allowance through proactive service provisioning (non-stop-service)

Benefits of the once-only principle implementation for public administrations are:
• Increased efficiency and effectiveness of public administration through co-creation and collaboration between administrations by opening up and sharing and re-using knowledge and resources -> citizens have less burden, simpler processes and receive faster service through the re-use of existing data across public administration
• Sharing and re-using of data enables legal obligations to be fulfilled faster
• Public administrations can retrieve the data from the sources where these data are approved and quality-assured
• Governments receive better quality of data 


Disclaimer: Please note that this article is a result of the SCOOP4C Pilot Project, not an application of a CEF Building Block.

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Austria's FinanzOnline service

FinanzOnline facilitates the access to the Austrian tax administration for citizens and businesses as well as for the public administration.


@Photo from Pixabay.


The whole process – from filling in the form to the delivery of the notice is fulfilled electronically. A notification service for the tax statement delivery is available in the electronic DataBox. The tax account as well as all process steps can be traced online. Furthermore, the online management of personal data as well as the immediate online tax assessment (also as an anonym calculation) are possible.
FinanzOnline is also the key for numerous other e-government applications – for example for the Business Service Portal and for electronic invoicing.

OOP aspect

Using FinanzOnline, Austrian citizens can, for instance, file their tax return electronically from home. Processing tax returns online saves times – there is no travel time or queuing. There are also no restrictions to opening hours. And citizens usually get their money back faster. Furthermore, it protects the environment as no paper forms are required and it relieves the burden on the government budget.
Data from the previous year can be transferred automatically. Possible chances, that may occur during the year, still has to be filled in manually.

OOP synonym

one-click link



Nature and status of project Rolled Out 
Is the OOP case/enabler mandatory? Opt-in

Enabling assets or components 

Legal interoperability

FinanzOnline-regulation 2006 - FonV 2006,
Regulation of the federal ministry of financy on the submission of inspection of records and delivery of transactions in an automated form.
FinanzOnline-declaration regulation,
Regulation of the federal ministry of finance on the electronic transmission of tax returns as well as annual accounts and other documents regarding tax returns

Data protection and privacy
Security functions and technologies, some of which are the Ministry of Finance's own innovations, guarantee that all data remain secure. 96 % of all users rate the application as “very good”.

Socio-cultural influence factors
FinanzOnline is free of charge and available 365 days a year, 24 hours a day. At the moment, FinanzOnline has more than four million users. Processing tax returns online saves times, because there is no travel time or queuing. There are also no restrictions to opening hours. And citizens usually get their money back faster. Furthermore, it protects the environment as no paper forms are required and it relieves the burden on the government budget. Sinde 2013, the administrative expenses have been reduced by about 330 million Euros. Security functions and technologies guarantee that all data remain secure. 96% of all users rate the applications as "very good". .

Data handling / data exchange

Type of data sharing


Data handler

Stakeholder nameStakeholder typeStakeholder roleKind of data


Data providerPersonal data
Data providerPersonal data
Federal Ministry of Finance


Data consumerPersonal data

Barriers and success factors

FinanzOnline is the no. 1 e-government service in Austria, which has received multiple international awards. It is free of charge and available 365 days a year, 24 hours a day. Since 2013, the administrative expenses have been reduced by about 330 million Euros. FinanzOnline has more than four million users.


Disclaimer: Please note that this article is a result of the SCOOP4C Pilot Project, not an application of a CEF Building Block.

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Spanish Interoperability node of the Spanish University System (NISUE)

NISUE has been developed for the electronic interchange of academic data among Spanish universities as well as between national and European organisations that use academic data in order to provide better electronic services.


@Photo from Pixabay.


The Conference of Principals of Spanish Universities (CRUE), with the collaboration of RedIRIS (the Spanish academic and research network) and MINHAFP (Ministry of Finance and Public Administration of the national government), have launched the Interoperability Node of the Spanish University System (NISUE).
NISUE has been developed for the electronic interchange of academic data among Spanish universities as well as between national and European organizations that use academic data in order to provide better electronic services. NISUE cooperates with other information systems such as STORK 2, among others. Thus, NISUE aims to become the single point for the exchange of information between universities themselves as well as between universities and other agencies or institutions.

OOP aspect

NISUE aims to become the single point for the exchange of information between universities themselves as well as between universities and other agencies or institutions.




Start date30 Jan 2017 
ScopeCross-border International
Nature and status of project Rolled Out 
Is the OOP case/enabler mandatory? Mandatory 
Additional remarks Example of a Use Case: transfer of academic records
To facilitate the mobility of students, universities need to share files or academic research data.

Enabling assets or components 

Political commitment
Law 39 / 2015

Promotes the scheme of interoperability between public sector bodies.

Data handling / data exchange

Type of data sharing

Actual data
Confirmation of a status, group/class membership

Data handler

Stakeholder nameStakeholder type
The Conference of Principals of Spanish Universities (CRUE)Government
RedIRIS (the spanish academic and research network)Government
MINHAP (Ministry of Finance and Public Administration of the national government)




Functional description
The introduction of the Node of interoperability aims mainly to the following main objectives:
- Facilitating data exchanges between universities and between other organizations.
- The integration with RedSARA (SARA network) and the interconnection with the platform of MINHAP (Ministry of Finance and Public Administration of the national government).
- Facilitating the implementation of the National Scheme of Interoperability (ENI) for universities.



Disclaimer: Please note that this article is a result of the SCOOP4C Pilot Project, not an application of a CEF Building Block.

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French e-bourgogne-franche-comté GIP

e-bourgogne-franche-comté GIP is a platform which delivers 20 e-services to more than 2000 public local entities in the region of Burgundy-Franche-Comté (France). Municipalities, cities, enterprises and other local legal entities have access to e-services through one platform.  

@Photo from Pixabay.


The objective of the e-bourgogne-franche-comte GIP is to ensure that in a territory with more than 3,500 public entities each organization has access to digital services. The procedures can be fulfilled digital in compliance even with legal and regulatory changes. The service also leads to a gain in productivity. The platform is based on PROCURE, a European eTEN project that analysed the possibility of implementing eTEN in Burgundy - responding to its legal, functional and technical requirements. Since the beginning in 2004, 14,000 tenders have been published on e-Bourgogne platform leading to 121,000 downloads of Request for proposals. At the moment, e-bourgogne governance is a Groupement d'Intérêt Public holding gathering those 2000 local entities.

URLGIP e-bourgogne-franche-comté
ScopeCross-border International 
Nature and status of project Rolled Out 
Is the OOP case/enabler mandatory? Opt-in

Enabling assets or components

Legal interoperability
A "Holding" of all public entities (GIP) has been created for the Region of Burgundy. e-bourgogne is organized through this specific governance model of which the regional legal entities (LA's and LLE's) are stakeholders. This governance model warrants the continuity of provided service independent of any political change. The GIP provides the service to all the legal entities autonomous in terms of procurement (legal authorities, universities, high schools, chambers of commerce, etc.) and represents their individual interests.

Directive 2004-18-CE,
The French central government created in 2003 an agency, now called DGME
(Direction générale pour la modernisation de l'Etat) with the objectives to reduce
and simplify paper-based administrative procedures and to improve productivity
and efficiency. DGME rapidly established the interoperability common framework (in coherence with the e-Europe 2005 program) and launched the eGOV strategic
program ADELE, "Administration Electronique 2004/2007", focusing primarily on
State Administrations. e-bourgogne first three operational services were:
1. PROCURE e-service for electronic procurement (first e-service delivered by the e-
Bourgogne platform).
2. Single entry for companies applying for financial support and/or requiring support for their business establishment in Burgundy, "J'entreprends en Bourgogne".
3. Digitalization of legal and accounting documents between local authorities and
central administrations.

Directive 1999-93-CE, 


Open source software 

Lessons learned 

- Start by developing a shared vision and shared values.
- Mutualization and sharing of a global approach (solutions and services).
- Get commitment from the top political executives in the Region: e-bourgogne was initiated by an agreement signed between central government (Prime Minister) and the Region (President of Regional Council). Strong support of Regional Council President.
- Keep going to LAs and convince and educate: to insure the success of e-bourgogne, large efforts have been made in marketing and education, extensive field meetings with local mayors held by high level politicians, like Martine Vandelle, president of e-bourgogne and regional counselor in charge of procurement for the Region. Beside convincing and awareness raising, also a comprehensive education plan for LA's has been developed. Education is a key ingredient to get a successful deployment of new e-services in the field and is underestimated in many instances.
- Build a legal governance structure such as GIP


Disclaimer: Please note that this article is a result of the SCOOP4C Pilot Project, not an application of a CEF Building Block.

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Estonian Tallinn Public Transport Ticket System

Tallinn Public Transport Ticket System is used to sell tickets, to have a look at possible discounts, or check the validity of the ticket.


@Photo from Pixabay.


Ticket system used to:
• sell tickets
• manage travel discounts
• check the validity of ticket
• determine the travel demand and optimise route network (non-personal data)
• balance inter-municipal revenue and expenditure 

Start date1 Jan 2012 
ScopeCross-border International
Nature and status of project Rolled Out 
Is the OOP case/enabler mandatory? Opt-in 
Additional remarks cross-border/municipal: Tallinn-Helsinki

Enabling assets or components 

Political commitment
Tallinn City Council Regulation No. 43 09.12.2004,
Interoperability of the State Information System. Endorsed with the Directive of the Minister of Economic Affairs and Communications 11-0377, 22.12.2011,
Legal interoperability
Tallinn ticketing system database statutes,
The Local Government Organization Act. Riigikogu. RT I 30.12.2011,
Public Transport. Riigikogu. RT I 28.06.2012, 17,
Public Information Act. Riigikogu, RT I 2000, 92, 597,
Socio-cultural influence factors
Secure data exchange layer X-Road ( is used for gathering data from different registers. X-Road is a technological and organizational environment enabling a secure Internet-based data exchange between information systems. All registers and Statistics Estonia must be a member of X-Road

Information regarding the X-Road members and the services they provide is available via the Administration System for the State Information System (RIHA). RIHA ( ) serves as a catalogue for the state’s information system. At the same time RIHA is a procedural and administrative environment via which the comprehensive and balanced development of the state’s information system has ensured. RIHA guarantees the transparency of the administration of the state’s information system and helps to plan the state’s information management.

PKI or the public key infrastructure ( ) enables secure digital authentication and signing. The infrastructure also allows forwarding data by using an encrypting key pair: a public encryption key and a private decryption key. In Estonia, this technology is used in relation with electronic identity (ID card, mobile ID, digital ID). All members of X-Road are using Digital seal certificates for signing messages. Citizens and officials are using electronic identity tokens.

All participants must be implemented three-level IT baseline security system ISKE ( The goal of implementing ISKE is to ensure a security level sufficient for the data processed in IT systems. The necessary security level achieved by implementing the standard organisational, infrastructural/physical and technical security measures.

Data handling / data exchange

Type of data sharing
Actual data

Data handler

Stakeholder nameStakeholder typeStakeholder role
Ticket systemGovernmentData provider
CitizensCitizenData consumer
Population register (RR). (Ministry of the Interior)Government
Register of Residence and Work Permits (ETR). (Ministry of the Interior)GovernmentData provider
Social Security Information System (SKAIS). (Ministry of Social Affairs)GovernmentData provider
Estonian Education Information System (EHIS). (Ministry of Education and Research) GovernmentData provider
National public transport register (Ütris). (Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications)GovernmentData provider
National pension insurance register (PIKAS). (Social Insurance Board)GovernmentData provider
Public Administrations (Local Municipalities)GovernmentData consumer
Business registerGovernmentData provider


Translation of terms in Figure from Estonian into English:
• Välised registrid - external registers
• RR, SKAIS, EHIS, ÜTRIS, PIKAS – names of registers
• X-tee – X-road
• Soodustused- discounts
• Piletid – tickets
• Liinid - lines
• Sõidukaardid – travel cards
• Sündmused – events


Lessons learned

Enabler 1. Secure data exchange layer for confidential and legally binding data needed. In case of Estonia the X-Road is used

Enabler 2. The unique personal identification code provide opportunity to merge personal data from different registers.

Enabler 5. Master data in registers must described in catalogue RIHA properly.

Enabler 3. Three-level IT baseline security system ISKE

Barrier 1. The system is handling personal data (name, address, personal code, address, basis of discount, travel events, etc). The secure processing (data hashing) needed. Restrictions for data processing and archiving needed. Bases of discounts is hided for ticket inspector.


Disclaimer: Please note that this article is a result of the SCOOP4C Pilot Project, not an application of a CEF Building Block.

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Estonian Online Application Portal (SisseAstumiseInfoSüsteem - SAIS)

SisseAstumise InfoSüsteem (SAIS) provides a Common Admissions Information Portal that enables Estonian school leavers to submit electronic applications to participating universities and colleges securely online.   

@Photo from Pixabay.


SisseAstumise InfoSüsteem (SAIS) provides a Common Admissions Information Portal that enables Estonian school leavers to submit electronic applications to participating universities and colleges securely online. They can log-on to the system through the country’s Citizen portal using their Estonian national ID-card or through one of the Estonian internet banks, so the identity of everyone who uses SAIS is fully verified. In addition, SAIS is connected to other educational databases in the country, so it is not necessary to provide evidence of previous educational achievements, examination grades, or higher education qualifications if that data is already recorded elsewhere. However, even if such data does not yet exist electronically, SAIS can issue a request to the relevant school to corroborate any missing or unverified information, and once this data is confirmed and entered in SAIS it can then be used to support any additional student applications. Foreign applicants can enter their application from

OOP aspect 

It is not necessary to provide evidence of previous educational achievements if that data is already recorded elsewhere.

Start date1 Jun 2006 
ScopeCross-border International
Nature and status of project Rolled Out 
Is the OOP case/enabler mandatory? Mandatory

Enabling assets or components

Relevant Enablers
Estonian data exchange layer for information systems (X-Road)
Estonian Public Key Infrastructure
Estonian Catalogue of Public Sector Information (RIHA)
Estonian three-level IT baseline security system ISKE
Political commitment
Interoperability of the State Information System. Endorsed with the Directive of the Minister of Economic Affairs and Communications 11-0377, 22.12.2011,
Interoperability Framework of e-education,
Legal interoperability
Personal Data Protection Act. Riigikogu, RT I 2007, 24, 127,
Public Information Act. Riigikogu, RT I 2000, 92, 597,
The classification system. Vabariigi Valitsus, RT I 2008, 4, 27,
The data exchange layer of information system. Vabariigi Valitsus, RT I 27.09.2016, 4,
The administration system of state information system. Vabariigi Valitsus, RT I
29.03.2016, 6,
Republic of Estonia Education Act RT 1992, 12, 192,
Vocational Educational Institutions Act RT I 1998, 64/65, 1007,
Institutions of Professional Higher Education Act RT I 1998, 61, 980,
Private Schools Act RT I 1998, 57, 859,
Universities Act RT I 1995, 12, 119,
Basic Schools and Upper Secondary Schools Act RTI, 05.07.2010, 41, 240,
Statute of Information Technology Foundation for Education,
Statute of Admission Information System,

Socio-cultural influence factors
SAIS reduces operational costs – the cost of managing student applications has decreased significantly through the simplification of processes and electronic sharing of data with students and other educational organisations.
On the other hand, this portal increases productivity – has accelerated administrative tasks, saving time and human resources and freeing up university workers for other activities.
Furthermore, student candidates no longer need to submit individual applications or travel to each university and they receive much faster decisions, which causes higher satisfaction of service for students. Moreover, this case provides a secure and scalable platform to support future educational needs.
Since 2009 SAIS is widely used throughout Estonia and most of its higher education, schools have joined the system.

All registers must linked by use commonly accepted keys:
• personal code for citizens,
• code of institution,
• standardised address presentation.

Secure data exchange layer X-Road ( is used for gathering data from different registers. X-Road is a technological and organizational environment enabling a secure Internet-based data exchange between information systems. All registers and Statistics Estonia must be a member of X-Road

Information regarding the X-Road members and the services they provide is available via the Administration System for the State Information System (RIHA). RIHA ( ) serves as a catalogue for the state’s information system. At the same time RIHA is a procedural and administrative environment via which the comprehensive and balanced development of the state’s information system has ensured. RIHA guarantees the transparency of the administration of the state’s information system and helps to plan the state’s information management.

PKI or the public key infrastructure ( ) enables secure digital authentication and signing. The infrastructure also allows forwarding data by using an encrypting key pair: a public encryption key and a private decryption key. In Estonia, this technology is used in relation with electronic identity (ID card, mobile ID, digital ID). All members of X-Road are using Digital seal certificates for signing messages. Citizens and officials are using electronic identity tokens.

All participants must be implemented three-level IT baseline security system ISKE ( The goal of implementing ISKE is to ensure a security level sufficient for the data processed in IT systems. The necessary security level achieved by implementing the standard organisational, infrastructural/physical and technical security measures.

Data guidelines of Estonian Data Protection Inspectorate ( must followed.

Data handling / data exchange

Stakeholder nameStakeholder typeStakeholder roleKind of data
Applicants (all universities)CitizenData consumerEducation data
Official of UniversitiesGovernmentData consumerEducation data
The Information Technology Foundation for Education (HITSA) GovernmentDatabase ownerEducation data
Estonian Education Information System (EHIS)GovernmentData providerEducation data
Population register (RR)GovernmentData providerEducation data
Examination Information System (EIS)GovernmentData providerEducation data
ÕIS (The study information system in universities and colleges)GovernmentData providerEducation data
VVIS (System for applicants from abroad)GovernmentData providerEducation data
Ministry of EducationGovernment

Data supervisor

Education data
Universities (all universities)BusinessData consumerEducation data


SAIS has been created for the electronic management of the process of submitting applications to educational institutions. The citizens of Estonia can submit required documentation through the system and educational institutions can manage the information and data of candidates in a systemic way. The information system functions over the solid safe Internet-based and ID card-based information technology environment. Similar system for processing the applications of candidates applying from abroad is called Dream Apply.

Data collection will initiated by the reception staff and the candidate. The system will regularly update semantic assets via the secure data exchange system X-road. Data will be collected through the X-Road services and the declarations made by candidates. The data for the candidate are collected from the Estonian Education Information System EHIS, from population registry RR and from the Examination Information System EIS. If the data in the registers do not exist, these shall be submitted by the employee receiving paper documents.

As shown in Figure, the reception staff and the candidate will initiate data collection. The system will regularly update semantic assets via the secure data exchange system X-road. Data will be collected through the X-Road services and the declarations made by candidates. The data for the candidate are collected from the Estonian Education Information System (EHIS), from population registry (RR) and from the Examination Information System (EIS). If the data in the registers do not exist, the employee receiving paper documents shall submit these.

Legend of elements in the figure:
EHIS - Estonian Education Information System (Master data about education)
Rahvastikuregister (RR) – Population register (Master data about applicant)
EIS - Examination Information System (Master data of applicant exam results, needed for competition)
X-tee turvaserver – Security server for secure data Exchange
SAIS – Front End System for submitting and processing applicant’s data
PostgreSQL – SAIS database
ÕIS – The study information system in universities and colleges
VVIS- System for applicants from abroad 

Lessons learned

In 2009 SAIS widely used throughout Estonia and most of its higher education schools have joined the system, and it has some 40,000 users.

System has used for foreign students also. In this case applicant submit documents in paper or electronically and signed digitally.


Disclaimer: Please note that this article is a result of the SCOOP4C Pilot Project, not an application of a CEF Building Block.

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French Attestation Légale 

OnceForAll allows companies to connect with each other at a European level, to simplify their day-to-day business and to secure customer-supplier relations.  

@Photo from Pixabay.


The aim of OnceForAll is to connect companies, simplify their day-to-day business and secure customer-supplier relations at a European level. The ambition is to develop a “once for all” solution and enable companies to share their up-to-date administrative documents with customers across Europe only-once.
By developing a new interoperability standard that interconnects existing platforms from different countries, OnceForAll proposes a true “Once for All” solution for all contractors aiming to do business with European public or private entities.

OOP aspect 

Through a "once for all" solution, the project wants to enable companies to share their up-to-date administrative documents with customers across Europe. Through a new interoperability standard existing platforms from different countries are connected so that data can be shared between companies, customers and public entities.

URLOnce For All
Start date1 Aug 2016 
ScopeCross-border EU 
Nature and status of project Pilot Case
Is the OOP case/enabler mandatory? Opt-in


Disclaimer: Please note that this article is a result of the SCOOP4C Pilot Project, not an application of a CEF Building Block.

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Cross-border solution

Transporting heavy and oversize-load transports across borders represent a very serious challenge for people, materials, and logistics. was a cross-border pilot project between Bavaria and Upper Austria with the aim of developing a faster procedure for the application and approval of cross-border large-capacity transports. 

@Photo from Pixabay.

Summary was a cross-border pilot project between Bavaria and Upper Austria with the aim of developing a faster procedure for the application and approval of cross-border large-capacity transports. Due to the different application forms and procedures for obtaining heavy goods transport permits in different countries, the aim of the pilot project was to create a central system that would save companies from submitting multiple applications for the same transport to different local authorities. The central approval portal enabled the applicants to make their data available only once for the respective transport. The information collected was then forwarded to the appropriate authorities in each country, based on the application requirements in each country. The portal was based on a common data model that contained all the information required for approval. Rules could then be formulated to describe the information and application formats required in the individual countries. This made the system completely scalable for every European country. During the pilot phase, the data exchange between Austria and Germany was successfully tested. However, due to organisational and political changes, the project was terminated in 2015.

OOP aspect 

The central approval portal enabled the applicants to make their data available only once for the respective transport. The information collected was then forwarded to the appropriate authorities in each country, based on the application requirements in each country. The portal was based on a common data model that contained all the information required for approval. 
Start date1 May 2013
End date1 Dec 2015 
ScopeCross-border EU 
Nature and status of project Pilot Case


Disclaimer: Please note that this article is a result of the SCOOP4C Pilot Project, not an application of a CEF Building Block.

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European Student Card (ESC)

The European Student Card (ESC) tends to enable students to assert their rights by connecting existing student cards to a digital system. Students could be able to seamlessly use services beyond their own higher education institution. 

@Photo from Pixabay.


At the centre of the project is the creation of a digital platform: this exchange platform will allow the communication between the information systems of higher education institutions in Europe and the recognition everywhere of the student status and identity. From the recognition of his status the student in mobility will get an easy access to services without the necessity to ask for a new card or present himself at a physical desk. It could encourage a stronger cooperation between institutions and an increase of visit and exchange of international students.

The main services on which the project focuses during the two years pilot phase are:
• Recognition of student status and identity
• Access to campus, controlled spaces such as libraries
• Services with a payment: restaurants, cafeterias, vending machines, laundry… and development of electronic wallet on some campuses.
• Transfer of students records
• Organisation of Erasmus mobility between institutions and for the student through paperless process.
• Organisation of mobility in general.

URLEuropean Student Card
Start date1 Jan 2016
CountryEuropean Union


Disclaimer: Please note that this article is a result of the SCOOP4C Pilot Project, not an application of a CEF Building Block.

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Call for Tender: CEF eTranslation Core Service Platform


The Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) eTranslation building block tender is open for the Building  Block's Core Service Platform (CSP). The CSP is the central hub that enables trans-European connectivity. The call for tender is looking for support for the operation and continued development of the automated translation core service platform.

The deadline to submit the tender is the 13 August 2019

CEF eTranslation provides multilingual support to pan-European digital services, digital infrastructure and Public Administrations in all EU Member States and EEA countries. By offering this multilingual support, CEF eTranslation contributes to the Digital Single Market by reducing language barriers and facilitating cross-border interaction. The eTranslation tool is available to Public Administrations free of charge and enables citizens and companies operating cross-border to access more information and services offered in their own language. 

The contract will be allocated to the eligible proposal that best meets the award criteria as specified in the SMART 2019/1083 call for tender

Interested to apply and next steps?