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  Consumer informationslide

Consumers do not always know their rights. And if they know their rights at home, they do not always know the rights they have in the other countries of the European Union.

Consumers in the countries that joined the European Union in May 2004 have the highest need to get to know their rights, and how to claim them. Therefore the European Commission is conducting information campaigns in these countries as a matter of priority.

These campaigns also promote national consumer associations. Because it is often difficult for an individual consumer to get his rights respected. In joining forces consumers stand stronger, and problems can get solved collectively and more effectively.

Consumer Information Campaigns

Consumer rights campaign in Romania

On June 5th 2012, European Commissioner for Health and Consumers, John Dalli, launched the European Union Consumer Information Campaign - "It is your right! Take action!", to inform Romanian citizens about their consumer rights, both at home and in other EU countries.

Read the press release

TV clips
Video Video Video Video
Video Package travel On-line rights Guarantees Message by Commissioner Dalli
Package travel On-line rights Guarantees Message by Commissioner Dalli

For more information about the Romanian campaign please see the campaign web site or follow the Facebook page and Twitter at @Consumator_EU.

Consumer rights campaign in Bulgaria

Initiated by the European Commissioner for Consumers Affairs Meglena Kuneva, a campaign on consumer rights was launched in Sofia on 21 January 2010.

Read the press release: European Union launches consumer information campaign in Bulgaria... pdf


TV clips
Video Video Video
Video Package travel Video Faulty products Estonian campaign
Package travel Faulty products Consumer credit

For more information about the Bulgarian campaign please see the campaign web site:

Consumer rights campaign in Lithuania

On 6 April 2009, information campaign on consumer rights "Žinok savo teises ir laimek - Know your rights and win" was launched in Vilnius, Lithuania.

Read the press release: EU launches first campaign on consumer rights in Lithuania PDF

TV clips
Video Video Video
Estonian campaign Estonian campaign Estonian campaign
Internet shopping Consumer credit Package travel

For more information about the Lithuanian campaign please see the campaign web site:

Consumer rights campaign in Latvia

On 18 March 2009, information campaign on consumer rights "RUNA DROŠI!" - "SPEAK UP!" was launched in Riga, Latvia.

See the video speech: EU Commissioner Kuneva launches consumer rights campaign in Latvia.

Read the press release: Eiropas Komisija uzsak Latvija plašu informativo kampanu par pateretaju tiesibam PDF

TV clips
Video Video Video
Latvian campaign Latvian campaign Latvian campaign
Consumer credit Package travel Internet shopping

Audio Fact sheets
Audio Audio Audio
Latvian campaign Latvian campaign Latvian campaign
Consumer credit Package travel Internet shopping

For more information about the Latvian campaign please see the campaign web site:

Consumer rights campaign in Estonia

On 3 November 2008 Commissioner Viviane Reding launched the information campaign "Tunne oma tarbijaõigusi!" - "Know your consumer rights!" in Tallinn, Estonia.

Read the press release: Tarbijate õigusi tutvustav kampaania sai avalöögi

TV clips
Video Video Video
Estonian campaign Estonian campaign Estonian campaign
Product guarantee Internet shopping Package travel

For more information about the Estonian campaign please see the campaign web site:

Consumer rights campaign in Cyprus

On 22 October Commisisoner for Consumers Kuneva launched the information campaign 'You are a Consumer, You have rights' in Nicosia, Cyprus.

See the video speech: EU Commissioner Kuneva launches consumer rights campaign in Cyprus

Read the press release: EU Commission launches consumer rights campaign in Cyprus PDF

TV clips
Video Video Video
Cyprus campaign Cyprus campaign Cyprus campaign
Internet shopping Consumer credit Package travel

Consumer rights campaign in Hungary

On 11 October, Ms Kuneva launched in Budapest the information campaign "In the EU consumers have rights. Get to know yours"

Speech of EU Commissioner Kuneva PDF
Read the press release: EU Commissioner Kuneva launches consumer rights campaign in Hungary PDF

TV clips
Video Video Video
Hungary campaign Hungary campaign Hungary campaign
EU Credit EU Online shopping EU warranty

Consumer rights campaign in Malta

On September 10th 2007, Commissioner Kuneva launched a consumer rights campaign in Malta on the occasion of the inauguration of the new Consumer House in Valletta.

Speech of EU Commissioner KunevaPDF
Read the press release: EU Commissioner Kuneva launches consumer rights campaign in MaltaPDF


Consumer rights campaign in Slovenia

Message from Commissioner Markos Kyprianou to "Slovenian consumers" on June 7, 2006

Campaign in Slovenia

Consumer rights campaign in the Czech Republic

Message from Commissioner Markos Kyprianou to "Czech consumers" on May 26, 2006

TV clips
Video Video Video
Czech Republic campaign Czech Republic campaign Czech Republic campaign
Package travel Internet shopping Consumer credit

For more information about the Czech Republic campaign please see the campaign web site:

Consumer rights campaign in Slovakia

Commissioner Markos Kyprianou has explained the importance of the campaigns in new Member States in his "message to Slovak consumers" on May 17, 2006. on May 26, 2006

Campaign in Slovakia

Consumer rights campaign in Poland

Speech of EU Commissioner Hübner
Read the press release: The information campaign "Sprawdz, jakie masz prawa" was launched by Commissioner Danuta Huebner on 16 May 2005 in Warsaw.
Fact sheets

TV clips
Video Video Video
Poland campaign Poland campaign Poland campaign
Consumer credit EU warranty Package travel

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