Fostaíocht, Gnóthaí Sóisialta agus Cuimsiú

Blueprint for sectoral cooperation on skills - Responding to skills mismatches at sectoral level

Blueprint for sectoral cooperation on skills - Responding to skills mismatches at sectoral level

The Blueprint for Sectoral Cooperation on Skills is a new framework for strategic cooperation to address short and medium-term skills needs in a given economic sector. The publication outlines how stakeholders (businesses, trade unions, public authorities, research, education and training institutions etc.) can apply the framework to address sectoral challenges, illustrating the steps towards delivering sector-specific skills solutions through sectoral partnerships. The Blueprint currently focuses on six pilot sectors including: Automotive; Defence; Maritime Technology; Space (geo-information); Textile, Clothing, Leather & Footwear (TCLF); and Tourism. It will be extended to additional sectors in the future.

Catalóg N. : KE-07-16-170-EN-N

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