Fostaíocht, Gnóthaí Sóisialta agus Cuimsiú

 Up- and re- skilling – Guidance pack for companies

Up- and re- skilling – Guidance pack for companies

Up- and re-skilling are necessary to face changes in the labour market, led by important transformations such as digitalisation, ageing population and climate change. In addition, the recent COVID-19 crisis has reinforced some of the existing trends transforming the labour market, like digitalisation, and made the need for continuous up- and re-skilling even more evident. Drawing on the results of the study, this guidance pack presents the information, recommendations and additional resources on up- and re-skilling of employees in micro and small companies.

Read the related publications:

Up- and re- skilling - Final Study

Up- and re- skilling - What you need to know

Up- and re- skilling - Good examples of policies

Up- and re- skilling - Good practices

Up- and re- skilling - Guidance pack for intermediary bodies and social partners

Catalóg N. : KE-01-20-369-EN-N

Ar fáil ar shuíomh  EU Publications

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