Occupazione, affari sociali e inclusione

Skills shortages and structural changes in the labour market during COVID 19 and in the context of the digital and green transitions - 
Thematic Review 2023

Skills shortages and structural changes in the labour market during COVID 19 and in the context of the digital and green transitions - Thematic Review 2023

The aim of the Thematic Review is to map evidence and drivers of shortages in skills, as well as related policy responses, that have been emerging during the COVID-19 pandemic as well as in the context of the digital and green transitions.

It reviews the most recent data and expert knowledge on skills shortages, their drivers, and most importantly, relevant policy responses across the EU Member States. Driven by EU-level data analysis and informed by country-specific evidence on the sectors and oc-cupation groups facing the highest shortages in each EU Member State, this synthesis report considers the effect on shortages of recent structural changes such as the digital and green transitions and their potential acceleration in the context of the COVID-19 pan-demic. The report also discusses the emerging situation regarding digital skills. It then examines responses to shortages at two levels: (a) the policy level; and (b) the microlevel, looking at how firms/employers respond to shortages in sectors and occupations as emerg-ing in 2020-2021.

Catalog N. : KE-04-23-057-EN-N

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