Fostaíocht, Gnóthaí Sóisialta agus Cuimsiú

Role and effect of external support to public administration

Role and effect of external support to public administration

This report analyses to what extent and how the support to public administration provided by the EU and other sources to some EU countries has influenced both the overall reform agenda, and the actual implementation of reforms.

With around 75 million employees, the public sector is Europe’s biggest ‘industry’. Given its scale and scope, public administration has enormous importance for the daily lives of citizens, and the performance and prospects of businesses.

The quality of a country’s institutions, both governmental and judicial, is a key determining factor for its economic but also societal well-being. The EUPACK project (European Public Administration Country Knowledge) aimed at gathering knowledge and understanding of the status and reform dynamics of public administration in EU countries.

See other reports from the project

Catalóg N. : KE-03-18-295-EN-N

Ar fáil ar shuíomh  EU Publications

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