Fostaíocht, Gnóthaí Sóisialta agus Cuimsiú

Non-binding guide to good practice for implementing Directive 2013/35/EU Electromagnetic Fields - Guide for SMEs

Non-binding guide to good practice for implementing Directive 2013/35/EU Electromagnetic Fields - Guide for SMEs

This guide is designed to help you understand how the work you carry out may be affected by the EMF Directive. It is not legally binding and does not provide an interpretation of specific legal requirements that you may have to comply with. It should therefore be read in conjunction with the EMF Directive, the Framework Directive (89/391/EEC) and relevant national legislation. This guide is designed so that employers who are already compliant will be able to establish the risks quickly.

More detailed information, including on exposure assessment and preventive measures, can be found in the comprehensive non-binding guide to good practice for implementing Directive 2013/35/EU.

This publication is available in electronic and printed format in all EU official languages.

Catalóg N. : KE-04-15-142-EN-N

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