Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

Romania - How are contributions in another country calculated?

This chapter gives details of how your contributions to the social benefits system of another European Union (EU) or European Economic Area (EEA) country can be taken into account in Romania.

For the UK, each case needs to be assessed individually to determine whether a person falls within the scope of Art 30 of the Withdrawal Agreement, and so the EU Coordination Regulations apply, or whether they fall within the scope of situations described in Art 32 of the Withdrawal Agreement and/or come under domestic legislation and the Protocol on Social Security Coordination attached to the Trade and Cooperation Agreement.

In what situation can I claim?

The laws of the EU or EEA Member State in which you work and/or live are the ones that apply to you in relation to the social security system.

If you have lived, worked and/or paid contributions to the social security system of another EU or EEA country and you now live and/or work in Romania, the periods for which you contributed in the other country can be taken into account when the social benefits to which you are entitled in Romania are calculated.

What conditions do I need to meet?

Contributions paid in another EU or EEA country can be counted for the purposes of the following social benefits in Romania:

  • sickness benefits;
  • maternity benefits;
  • unemployment benefits;
  • family benefits (child allowances, child-raising allowances);
  • disability benefits;
  • accidents at work and occupational diseases;
  • pensions (for old-age and survivors).

Contributions paid in another country are not taken into account for the purposes of granting social aid, which is determined on the basis of the applicant's income.

What am I entitled to and how can I claim?

When you apply for social benefits in Romania on the basis of contributions in another EU or EEA country, the Romanian authorities must communicate with the institutions of the country concerned. The way in which contributions are taken into account in Romania is laid down by the regulations on the coordination of EU social security systems.

Depending on the nature of your application, the Romanian authorities will request certain documents proving your contribution to the social security system of the other country.

More information about the documents you may need and the way in which contributions in another country are taken into account in Romania is available in the Guide to EU Provisions on Social Security.

Jargon busters

  • European Economic Area (EEA): includes all EU countries and Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein, which signed the Agreement creating the EEA. This Agreement entered into force on 1 January 1994.

Know your rights

More information about your rights with regard to the way in which contributions in another country are taken into account in Romania is available online:

Publications and websites of the European Commission:

Who do you need to contact?

Casa Națională de Asigurări de Sănătate
Calea Călărașilor nr. 248, Bl. S19, sector 3
030634 Bucharest
Tel. + 40 800800950

You can contact the National Health Insurance Authority for current legislation and other general information, and county health insurance authorities to apply for benefits.

Casa Națională de Pensii Publice
Str. Latină nr. 8, sector 2
020793 Bucharest
Tel. + 40 213169111

You can contact the National House of Public Pensions for current legislation, and local pension authorities for pension-related requests.

Agenția Națională pentru Ocuparea Forței de Muncă
Str. Avalanșei nr. 20-22, sector 4
040305 Bucharest
Tel. + 40 213039839

You can contact the National Employment Agency for general information and vacancies, and county authorities to apply for unemployment benefit.

Agenția Națională pentru Plăți și Inspecție Socială
Bd. Gheorghe Magheru nr.7, sector 1
010322 Bucharest
Tel: +40 213136047

You can contact the National Agency for Payment and Social Inspection for general information, and county agencies for requests related to child benefit and child-raising allowances.

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