Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

Netherlands - Sick pay and benefits in the event of illness

 You can read here about sick pay and benefits in the Netherlands if you become ill.

In what situation can I claim?

 If you become ill and are in paid employment, your employer must continue to pay at least 70% of your pay for 2 years. If you are a temporary employee or are receiving unemployment benefit, you come under the Sickness Benefits Act and will receive a benefit from UWV, the Employee Insurance Agency, equal to 70% of the average daily pay you received in the year before your illness.

If you are self-employed, you could take out voluntary insurance in case you become ill. This could be with UWV or a private insurer.

What conditions do I need to meet?

 When you become ill, you must report this to your employer as soon as possible (no later than the second day of your illness). In case you do not have an employment contract, you must apply for Sickness Benefit and report your illness to UWV.

Employers shall impose checking conditions; the ill employee must comply with these.

What am I entitled to and how can I claim?

 If you are ill, you receive at least 70% of your income from your employer or from UWV. You receive this amount during the first 2 years of your illness. If you have a fixed-term contract, the continued payment will not extend beyond the duration of the contract. After this, you have the right to a benefit from  UWV.

If you receive a benefit from UWV, the amount is based on your last earned pay, with a maximum of EUR 256.54 per day (maximum daily pay).

If 70% of your daily income is less than the minimum income (sociaal minimum), you may be entitled to a supplement based on the Supplementary Benefits Act (Toeslagenwet).


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Know your rights

See further Section Invalidity Benefits European Commission publication and website:

Who do you need to contact?

 If you become ill, you must report this to your employer as soon as possible. If you do not have an employment contract, you have to report your illness to the UWV in order to claim Sickness Benefit.

If you are self-employed, you can take out insurance in case you become ill. For more information, please see: Insurance for the self-employed against illness or incapacity.

If you are seeking advice or help with your EU rights, please apply for help from the EU.

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