Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

Lithuania - Cash social assistance for people on low income

Cash social assistance is payable to those whose income falls below the national threshold. This section provides information about the types of support available and procedures for awarding them.

In what situations can I claim?

Law on Cash Social Assistance for Poor Residents of 1 December 2011 (No. XI-1772).

Cash social assistance comprises both social benefit (socialinė pašalpa) and compensation for the cost of heating, drinking water and hot water (būsto šildymo išlaidų, geriamojo vandens išlaidų ir karšto vandens išlaidų kompensacijos). Both benefits are means-tested and depend on family income and assets (until 30 April 2024 the owned property will not be taken into account).

Those on low income are entitled to social benefit that guarantees minimum funds for satisfying basic needs (food and clothing) and compensation for the cost of heating, hot water and drinking water intended to cover in part the cost of maintaining a household.

Those on low income may receive social benefit if there are objective reasons why they cannot earn enough to keep themselves and they have exhausted all other possibilities of earning income. Their income and assets are assessed when deciding on their entitlement for support.

What conditions do I need to meet?

Cash social assistance is payable to those officially registered as residing in Lithuania, including:

  • citizens of Lithuania;
  • foreign citizens holding a permit of long-term residence in the European Union;
  • citizens of a Member State of the European Union or a Member State of the European Free Trade Association in the European Economic Area or their family members who have the right of residence in Lithuania;
  • foreign citizens who are granted asylum or temporary protection;
  • citizens of Australia, Japan, the United Kingdom, Northern Ireland, the United States of America, Canada, New Zealand or South Korea and their family members who have been granted temporary residence permits and live for at least three months in Lithuania. This requirement does not apply if you are a citizen of one of these countries and work (as employed or self-employed) in Lithuania.

Social benefit (Socialinė pašalpa) is paid to the household if the monthly income is below the level of 1.1 of the State Supported Income (hereinafter - SSI) (Valstybės remiamos pajamos) (i.e. EUR 172.70 per person per month).

The minimum level of income is based on the price of a defined basket of goods and the amount of support payable is determined by assigning notional amount to each member.

From 1 June 2020, the amount of social benefit has been increased and differentiated based on the duration of payment:

Amount of social benefit for a one-person household:

  • up to 6 months: the difference between 1.4 SSI (EUR 219.80) per person per month and the actual income;
  • up to 6–12 months: the difference between 1.2 SSI (EUR 188.40) per person per month and the actual income;
  • more than 12 months: the difference between 1.1 SSI (EUR 172.70) per person per month and the actual income.

Amount of social benefit for two or more people living together:

  • the difference between 1.1 SSI (EUR 172.70) per person per month and the actual income for the first family member;
  • the difference between 90% of 1.1 SSI (EUR 172.70) per person per month and the actual income for the second family member;
  • the difference between 70% of 1.1 SSI (EUR 172.70) per person per month and the actual income for the third and any additional family member.

If those receiving social benefit before becoming employed were registered with the Employment Service or national employment service of another Member State for at least 6 months and did not work during this period or have worked less than is legally specified, or are in public works, they are in addition entitled to Social Benefit after becoming employed so long as their earnings are not below the minimum monthly or hourly wage and not more than twice the minimum wage.

The amount of the in-work social benefit after employment has been increased and differentiated depending on the duration of payment:

  • for 1–3 months: the amount is 100% of the average amount of the social benefit paid during the last 6 months prior to employment;
  • for 4–6 months: 80% of the average amount of the social benefit paid during the last 6 months prior to employment;
  • for 7–12 months: 50% of the average amount of the social benefit paid during the last 6 months prior to employment.

If after finding employment the people living together (or a person living alone) are still eligible for social benefit, they can receive social benefit and the in-work social benefit at the same time.

Social Benefit is reduced for those of working-age who are not working but who are capable of work as follows:

  • by 20% in cases where Social Benefit is paid for 12 to 24 months;
  • by 30% where it is paid for 24 to 36 months;
  • by 40% where it is paid for 36 to 48 months;
  • by 50% where it is paid for 48 to 60 months.

In cases where Social Benefit is awarded for more than 60 months, it is provided in a non-monetary form.

The above reductions do not apply in cases where the Social Benefit is paid to children, including adult children in education, as well as during the period of the payment of Social Benefit, the Employment Service or the national employment service of another Member State failed to offer a job or participation in active labour market policy measures or where they participated in socially useful activities organised by municipalities.

Those on low-income may be awarded compensation for the cost of heating, drinking water and hot water. This is based on a means test, which takes account the family income and assets.

Those concerned should pay for:

  • the heating of a standard sized accommodation: not more than 10% of the difference between the family income and the amount of 2 SSI (EUR 314) for a family (persons living together) and 10% of the difference between the single person income and the amount of 3 SSI (EUR 471) for single person;
  • basic standard hot water: not more than 5% of the family (persons living together) or single person income;
  • basic standard drinking water: 2% of the family (persons living together) or single resident income.

Families or single residents entitled to this compensation who own an apartment in a multi-dwelling building are entitled to support towards the cost of a loan taken out to finance the renovation of the building.

From 30 September 2022 until 30 April 2024 and during the heating season, more favourable conditions have been introduced to receive compensations, including compensation for house heating costs, i.e. the duration of payment of compensations has been extended to the entire heating season if the application for compensations is submitted one month before the beginning of the heating season or during the heating season.

What am I entitled to and how can I claim?

People on low income should apply to the local authority in their declared place of residence or in the district where they rent accommodation. Where a person has no registered abode, filling in the required application and submitting the appropriate documents should be done at the local authority of the district in which they are living. Cash social assistance (social benefit and compensation) is provided by the municipality in the place of residence.

An applicant must complete an application form for cash social assistance and attach the required documents relating to income and the assets owned by the family unless the municipality receives data from the state and departmental registers and state information systems.

A decision on the granting of social benefit and/or the calculation and provision of compensation needs to be taken no later than one month from the date of receipt of the application and all the necessary documentation.

Social benefit is awarded for a period of three months. It may be renewed (unlimited number of renewals) if the circumstances have not changed.

Compensation is granted for a period of three months from the date of entitlement. Compensation may be granted retro-actively up to two months preceding the month of submission of the application.

Cash Social assistance (social benefit and compensation) may be granted for a period shorter than three months.

Jargon busters

Single person - a person over 18; or a minor, who is declared capable and who is not married or if a married resides separately and has no children (adopted children) living with them.

Forms you may need to fill in

You will find application forms here (select the appropriate one).

Know your rights

These links will help you find out what your rights are. These are not European Commission websites and the information they contain may not necessarily reflect the Commission's point of view:

European Commission publications and websites:

Who do you need to contact?

Information is supplied by the social support departments of local authorities. Most local authorities have an internet address - [name].lt (e.g. vilnius.lt).

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