Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

Lithuania - Long-term care

Long term care includes both long-term social care (social services) and long-term health care and provides comprehensive care to individuals due to a medical condition or age, disability or total loss of ability or self-care personal or family life.

Long-term social care includes financial support and services for those who are dependent on others or who have lost their independence through illness. Relevant information on procedures in relation to support of long-term care is set out in this section.

Long-term healthcare is provided irrespective of the age of the person, according to the condition of their health and the progress of any disease or complication. Long-term healthcare includes three different health care services: supportive treatment and nursing, palliative care, outpatient-nursing services at home.

In what situation can I claim?

Long-term care is designed to meet the needs of those who are dependent on others because of illness or disability. Long-term healthcare also covers palliative care services (see Jargon busters).

Social care is not provided according to age but according to the degree of independence and the need for care. The main recipients are the elderly and those with disabilities. Social service needs are determined on an individual basis according to a person's dependence and the possibilities of them developing independence as a result of provision of the appropriate social services.

What conditions do I need to meet?

Depending on their needs, persons may be given long-term short-term or daytime social cares, social support and nursing.

According to an approved list of health conditions, someone may be identified as having special nursing or assistance needs and receive compensation for the associated costs.

Compensation to cover nursing care is provided to persons identified as having a need for special nursing care.

Compensation to cover assistance is available to children with severe and moderate disabilities and to persons identified as having a need for special assistance. The adults need to be identified as having special care needs, though not disabled children.

Institutionalised social care is available to those with disabilities as well as the elderly in need.

Long-term medical treatment, palliative care and nursing are available for those covered by compulsory health insurance, irrespective of age according to their health and specific needs.

What am I entitled to and how can I claim?

Payment for social services is determined by the type of service required and someone’s ability to pay.

Those needing assistance are visited at home by social workers from the local government authority department responsible for the planning and administering of social services.

Depending on their situation, the elderly and disabled may receive home assistance (of up to 10 hours a week), daily social care (from 3 hours a day, 5 days a week), in day-care centres or (from 2 to 10 hours a day up to 7 days a week) in their own home, or in residential care homes (up to 6 months for short-term care or indefinitely for long-term care).

Compensation for nursing costs (slaugos išlaidų tikslinė kompensacija) amounts from 1.9 to 2.6 the compensation base set by the Government (in 2023, it is from EUR 279.30 to EUR 382.20 a month).

Compensation for assistance costs (priežiūros (pagalbos) išlaidų tikslinė kompensacija) amounts to either 0.6 or 1.1 of the compensation base (i.e. EUR 88.20 or EUR 161.70 a month, respectively, in 2023) depending on the category into which an individual falls.

Applications for social care services need to be made to the local government authority's social welfare department. Social service needs, including long-term social care, are assessed by social workers. Special needs of the disabled are determined by the Disability and Working Capacity Assessment Office at the Ministry of Social Security and Labour, or by the doctors' consultative commission in the healthcare facility at which a person is registered.

Primary healthcare facilities are responsible for the organisation and provision of nursing care services at home. Only patients referred by a doctor can receive long-term healthcare services.

Jargon buster

  • Social assistance (home care, training in social skills and support, adaptation for independent living at home) - the complete range of services provided to a person who does not require constant specialist care.
  • Social care (day care, long-term and short-term care) - the complete range of services provided to a person who requires constant specialist care.
  • Palliative care – care to enhance the quality of life and mitigate the suffering of those suffering from incurable conditions.

Forms you may need to fill in or provide

  • Application (you will find the form here);
  • Personal identification document;
  • Certificate of old-age or disability pensionA GP's certificate on your state of health (from your doctor).

Social workers (either from the local authority or the care department) will help you to fill in the necessary documents.


Know your rights

These links will help you find out what your rights are. These are not European Commission websites and may not necessarily reflect the views of the Commission:

European Commission publications and websites:

Who do you need to contact?

Information is supplied by the social support departments of local authorities. Most local authorities have an internet address - [name].lt (e.g. vilnius.lt).

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