Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

Greece - Benefits due to minimum resources

This chapter includes all you need to know about the benefits to which citizens with minimum resources are entitled in Greece.

Here you will find information on the following benefits:

  • Guaranteed Minimum Income (GMI) (ΕΛΑΧΙΣΤΟ ΕΓΓΥΗΜΕΝΟ ΕΙΣΟΔΗΜΑ)
  • housing allowance (ΣΤΕΓΑΣΤΙΚΉ ΣΥΝΔΡΟΜΉ)
  • housing benefit (ΕΠΊΔΟΜΑ ΣΤΈΓΑΣΗΣ)
  • free access of uninsured to the Public Health System
  • the social solidarity allowance for uninsured elders (ΕΠΙΔΟΜΑ ΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΚΗΣ ΑΛΛΗΛΕΓΓΥΗΣ ΑΝΑΣΦΑΛΙΣΤΩΝ ΥΠΕΡΗΛΙΚΩΝ)

In what situation can I claim?

Guaranteed Minimum Income (GMI) (ΕΛΑΧΙΣΤΟ ΕΓΓΥΗΜΕΝΟ ΕΙΣΟΔΗΜΑ) is a welfare programme that is addressed to households living in extreme poverty and complements the policies to tackle poverty and social exclusion. The programme combines income support (cash benefit) and complementary social services, benefits and goods for the members of the household, if they meet certain criteria.

Housing allowance (ΣΤΕΓΑΣΤΙΚΉ ΣΥΝΔΡΟΜΉ): this is a rent benefit paid to uninsured and financially weak elderly people over 65 years of age, who live alone or with their spouses and who:

  • do not own a house and live in a rented house;
  • do not have any source of income from Greece or abroad, or any immovable property that can assist them in covering housing expenses;
  • whose annual personal taxable income is below EUR 4,320 (or EUR 8,640 in case of a couple) and who meet certain additional income and property criteria.

With regard to uninsured couples, both spouses must be uninsured and one of them at least must be 67 years of age or older.

Housing benefit (ΕΠΊΔΟΜΑ ΣΤΈΓΑΣΗΣ) is a rental support programme aiming to help low income households who live in rented primary residences to meet their housing costs.

Free access of uninsured to the Public Health System: to uninsured persons, persons legally residing in Greece, persons non legally residing in Greece but need hospital and medical care because they belong to socially vulnerable groups (such as minors, pregnant women, invalid, etc.).

Social solidarity allowance for uninsured elders is an allowance granted to persons aged 67 and over with low income who reside in Greece and do not receive or are not qualify to receive any pension from abroad or any social security or welfare benefit from Greece.

What conditions do I need to meet?

Guaranteed Minimum Income (GMI): granted to households who simultaneously meet all of the income, assets and residency conditions laid down by the law.

Housing allowance: this is a non-contributory benefit granted following an assessment of assets and income sources of persons who are in a state of financial weakness and have no income or immovable property that can cover their housing needs.

Housing benefit: the beneficiaries must have been legal and permanent residents of the country during the last five years preceding the submission of the application, and must fulfil certain criteria on income and assets. For third country nationals, twelve years of legal and permanent residency are required.

Free access of uninsured to the Public Health System: possession of Social Security Number (ΑΡΙΘΜΌΣ ΜΗΤΡΏΟΥ ΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΚΉΣ ΑΣΦΆΛΙΣΗΣ - AMKA) or a Health Care Card for Foreigners (ΚΆΡΤΑ ΥΓΕΙΟΝΟΜΙΚΉΣ ΠΕΡΊΘΑΛΨΗΣ ΑΛΛΟΔΑΠΟΎ – ΚΥΠΑ).

Social solidarity allowance for uninsured elders: a non-contributory benefit to persons 67 years of age and over, who reside permanently and legally in Greece for 15 continuous years and who meet certain income and property criteria.

What am I entitled to and how can I claim?

Guaranteed Minimum Income (GMI): for single-person households: EUR 200 per month. For each additional adult of the household: an increase of the guaranteed amount by EUR 100 per month. For each additional minor of the household: an increase of the guaranteed amount by EUR 50 per month. The ceiling of the monthly guaranteed amount is EUR 900, regardless of the composition of the household. The programme is implemented by OPEKA.

Housing allowance: the benefit can be up to EUR 362 per month. The programme is implemented by the municipalities. In order to apply for the benefit, you must visit the competent authorities of OPEKA and submit the necessary supporting documents.

Housing benefit: the rent subsidy is set at EUR 70 per month for a single-person household, while for each additional household member (adult or child) this amount is increased by EUR 35 per month. The total amount of the rent subsidy cannot exceed EUR 210 per month, irrespective of the composition of the household. The programme is implemented by OPEKA.

Free access of uninsured to the Public Health System: beneficiaries are entitled to hospitalization, medical care, access to pharmaceutical products. They can claim to public hospitals.

Social solidarity allowance for uninsured elders: it amounts to EUR 360 granted monthly by the OPEKA.

Forms you may need to fill in

For the Guaranteed Minimum Income (GMI): https://opeka.gr/elachisto-engyimeno-eisodima-kea/

For the Housing Benefit:


For the Housing Allowance: https://opeka.gr/stegasi-proti-katoikia/epidoma-stegastikis-syndromis-gia-tous-anasfalistous-yperilikes/

For the Social solidarity allowance for uninsured elders: https://opeka.gr/anasfalistoi-yperilikes/ilektronikes-ypiresies/

Know your rights

The links below provide a legal definition of your rights. They are not European Commission websites, nor do they represent the views of the Commission:

Who do you need to contact?

Organisation of Welfare Benefits and Social Solidarity (Οργανισμός Προνοιακών Επιδομάτων και Κοινωνικής Αλληλεγγύης ΟΠΕΚΑ-OPEKA)
Πατησίων 30/Patision 30,
101 70 Αθήνα/Athens
Tel.: +30 213 -15 19 300
Website: https://opeka.gr/

Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs
Directorate for the Fight Against Poverty
Σταδίου 29/29 Stadiou street
101 10 Αθήνα/Athens
Tel.: 210 5281 145
Website https://ypergasias.gov.gr/

1555 – Number for Citizens’ communication and service on insurance, labour and social issues www.1555.gov.gr

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