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Museums strengthen Polish-Russian cross-border links

Under the Museums over the Borders project, the Museum of Archaeology and History in Elbląg, in Poland’s Warmińsko-mazurskie region and the Friedland Gate Museum in Kaliningrad, Russia renovated their historic buildings, fitting them out with modern equipment and exhibitions. These upgrades have fostered understanding and strengthened bonds between communities separated by the Polish-Russian border. Noteworthy in this regard are twin holographic installations which screen a film about the regions’ shared history, using advanced technology to convey a universal message.

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Transforming waste collection in Barcelona

A new building for the management of street waste collected in the Sarrià-Sant Gervasi district of Barcelona is delivering a range of benefits to the area’s 86 000 local residents and to the city as a whole. As well as improving waste collection services, the state-of-the-art facility offers energy efficiency savings, reduces water consumption and even provides a new urban space for the community to enjoy.

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Making tourism SMEs fit for the e-business age

Tourism companies operating in Wales have benefitted from an innovative programme which sought to improve their take-up and use of digital technologies. The initiative has helped Wales’s tourism sector to become more familiar with using ICT for business promotion, while making life easier for visitors.

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AGRIPIR: Bringing innovation to traditional upland farming

An initiative based in the French and Spanish Pyrenees has brought together players from the agricultural industry, public research institutions, high-tech SMEs and local development agencies. Their goal has been to find ways of introducing innovative technologies to the region’s traditional upland farming sector in order to make it more competitive.

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Academic support for green energy knowledge transfer

The Green Energy project fosters innovation, research and technological development by stimulating knowledge transfer and cooperation between the University of Zielona Góra and the Brandenburg University of Technology. This should widen access to scientific knowledge and support integration between both sides of the German-Polish border, leading to economic development.

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Polish avionics company expands with EU funds

Becker Avionics Polska (BAP) has enhance its R&D capability, while expanding its operations internationally, thanks to EU funding. BAP is now in a position to offer additional services for testing electronic circuits at high and low temperatures at a competitive cost.

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Promoting measures to help North-West Europe adapt to the impacts of climate change

A major challenge for territorial development in North-West Europe (NWE) is improving its capacity to cope with the impacts of climate change. Some 100 project partners from seven EU Member States are combining their efforts to promote climate change adaptation through a strategic cluster of eight transnational projects.

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