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Editorial 072022

Dear readers,

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Urban Agenda

date:  14/07/2022

We are glad to present to you a new edition of our newsletter. In this issue you will have the chance to learn more about the call for partners for new partnerships of the Urban Agenda for the EU on Greening Cities and Sustainable Tourism, or read about the work on functional areas conducted by REGIO in cooperation with the World Bank.

This edition will also provide you with more information on the freshly published European Handbook for SDG Voluntary Local Reviews 2022, details regarding the participation of our colleagues in the 11th session of the World Urban Forum, the new action plan of the public procurement partnership and last but definitely not least – news on the date and location of the Cities Forum 2023.

We hope you will enjoy reading about these latest developments and we encourage you to stay in touch with the Urban Agenda for the EU community via LinkedIn and Twitter.

All the best,

The Urban Agenda for the EU Team