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The Urban Agenda moves on with four new Partnerships

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Urban Agenda

date:  23/05/2017

Now that the Urban Agenda process has been running for a while, it is time to take stock and share what has been done. Multi-level and multi-stakeholder Partnerships have taken up their work on eight out of the twelve priority themes mentioned in the Pact of Amsterdam. The pilot Partnerships launched during the Dutch Presidency are already approaching the consultation phase on defined actions. The four Partnerships launched during the Slovak Presidency are working hard towards the definition of actions for their themes, based on the Orientation Papers

The Urban Agenda process is an ongoing one, and the latest milestone is particularly important: On 4 April 2017, the Directors General Meeting meeting on Urban Matters (DGUM) agreed on the Partnerships on four more priority themes. The Partnerships on the topics sustainable use of land and nature-based solutions, responsible and innovative public procurement, energy transition, and climate adaptation will be launched soon.

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The Urban Agenda Communication Team