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European Week of Regions and Cities 2018: registration is open

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Urban Agenda

date:  24/07/2018

The biggest event on urban and regional policy in Europe is coming up! Registration for the European Week of Regions and Cities, organised from 8 to 11 October 2018 in Brussels, is now open.

The Urban Agenda for the EU will be present in an Urban Corner in the exhibition area during the entire duration of the event. Bringing together the urban networks and programmes EUROCITIES, URBACT, Urban Innovative Actions, and URBIS, the Urban Corner will enable networking and exchange activities on the Urban Agenda for the EU priority themes and more. Concrete information on the Urban Corner programme will follow throughout summer.

Beyond the activities at the Urban Corner, the Urban Agenda for the EU will feature in the EWRC’s programme in various ways: On 10 October, the Air Quality Partnership will showcase its main achievements in a workshop. On the same day, another workshop will shed light on the progress of the Urban Agenda for the EU and will announce the winners of the Urban Innovative Actions’ third call.

Consult the full programme and register to your favourite sessions here!