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Two more Partnerships!

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Urban Agenda

date:  09/05/2018

On 20 April, the Directors-General meeting on Urban Matters (DGUM) has agreed on the launch of two new Partnerships on Security in Public Space and Culture & Cultural Heritage. Interested in joining these Partnerships? Stay tuned, as more information on the launch will follow soon on Futurium.

The EU Green Week end of May will be the opportunity for the Partnership on Circular Economy to present its work. The Urban Agenda communication team will have a stand there. Come meet us! A week later, the Partnership on Energy Transition will organise a workshop on “Energy Transition in Action” at the European Sustainable Energy Week. Registrations are open, so don’t miss it. Find all the information below.

Don’t forget to sign up to the Futurium website to get the latest progress of the Urban Agenda and its Partnerships. You can also follow the Urban Agenda for the EU on Twitter @EUUrbanAgenda to stay up-to-date with the urban community!

The Urban Agenda for the EU Communications Team