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Urban Agenda

A Handbook to boost your urban strategy

An EWRC workshop focusing on the relevance of European Structural and Investment Funds in implementing urban development strategies. There will be a presentation on the Handbook of Sustainable Urban Development Strategies recently published by the JRC, offering methodological support to cities, managing authorities and relevant stakeholders involved in the design and implementation of urban strategies under cohesion policy.

9th European Conference on Sustainable Cities and Towns

30 September - 2 October: ICLEI and the City of Mannheim will bring together local and regional leaders, European and international institutions and some of the brightest minds working on cutting edge research, businesses and the civil society to forge a more sustainable Europe.

UIA monitoring & evaluation

In 2020 UIA and Ecorys are exploring the different practices, methodologies and techniques developed by on-going UIA projects to capture the impact of the innovative interventions. Discover the most promising approaches among ongoing UIA projects.

Urban Development Group (UDG)

The next meeting will take place on the 17 September to present and discuss the Draft Action Plans of the Vienna partnerships, as well as progress on the implementation of actions, and the Implementation document accompanying the New Leipzig Charter.

Save the date for UDN webinars: six building blocks to sustainable urban development

On behalf of Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy of the European Commission, we invite you to save the date for six webinars to take place in the month of November. The aim is to provide insights on how to tackle the main challenges policy-makers face when designing and implementing sustainable urban development strategies supported by Cohesion Policy. Further information will follow in the next newsletter!

The City Science Initiative

This provides cities, city networks, experts and the services of the European Commission an opportunity to reinforce their cooperation and strengthen the science and policy nexus so that science and research can help address urban challenges.