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EPO’s Patent Index 2021

EU-27 patent applications to the European Patent Office recovered from the decline recorded in 2020, by increasing 2.7% in 2021

World Inequality Report 2022

In Europe, the bottom 50% of the population emits around 5 tonnes per year and per person, while the top 10% emits 30 tonnes.

Europe’s air quality status 2022

In 2020, concentrations of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) temporarily fell as a direct result of reductions in road transport during COVID-19 lockdowns.

CrAFt Platform launched

On 1 May 2022 CrAFt (CReating Actionable FuTures) launched its platform, under the umbrella of the Cities Mission.

You are invited: The New European Bauhaus Festival is open!

The festival brings together citizens from all walks of life to debate and shape our future landscape. It is an opportunity to explore the New European Bauhaus values of beauty, sustainability and togetherness, and their power to address societal challenges.

Podcast: Feel free to call it activism!

Professor Nicole Grobert, chair of the Group of Chief Scientific Advisors, discusses in a podcast with representatives of the German Young Academy about shaping researchers' career path and the challenges of providing scientific advice under pressure.

Improving citizens’ participation in cancer screening programmes and extending them to more types of cancer will help saving lives, EU Chief Scientific Advisors recommend

Today, the Advisors released their latest Scientific Opinion on cancer screening in the European Union. The Advisors’ Opinion, informed by the SAPEA Evidence Review Report, provides recommendations on how to improve the participation of citizens in existing cancer screening programmes and will inform the upcoming Commission proposal to update the 2003 Council Recommendation on cancer screening to ensure that the latest available scientific evidence is reflected.