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New resources added to the website

View the latest resources on our website, on topics such as Citizen Science, the Mission on Adaptation to Climate Change and a new interactive map that provides an overview of all 73 Green Deal funded projects.


World in an age of crisis: What can Europe do?

The European Union is dealing with an increasing number of complex, overlapping cross-border crises, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change, and Russia's invasion of Ukraine. According to the scientific and ethical recommendations given to the Commission in Strasbourg on 22 November 2022, the European Union has to improve its preparedness and respond to potential future crises. Watch the Scientific Advice Mechanism and the European Group on Ethics experts explain some of their recommendations for improving crisis management.

Top 10 improvements for the EU's draft Nature Restoration Law

Last year, the European Commission published its long-awaited draft proposal for a Regulation on Nature Restoration, a landmark step in the EU's efforts to protect and restore damaged European habitats.

Several Green Deal-funded projects had the opportunity to analyse and provide their comments on the draft proposal. Read more about what they had to say and the 10 improvements they would recommend.


Joining forces to reverse biodiversity loss

The European Research Executive Agency has acknowledged four projects funded under the Green Deal Call for their direct input to the Green Deal, the 2030 EU Biodiversity Strategy and the proposed Nature Restoration Law. Find out more about these projects and the important work they carry out to promote biodiversity.


Advocating for nature-based solutions

Nature-based solutions (NBS) highlight the importance of biodiversity conservation for climate change mitigation and adaptation. They are a set of actions that protect, restore and sustainably manage ecosystems, while providing cost-effective environmental, social and economic benefits (read official UNEP definition here).

The Green Deal projects are actively supporting this important initiative and have produced: an online learning Academy; webinars on applying NBS; a portal of case studies; NBS reports and papers, including a focus on marine and coastal ecosystems; and a policymaker's handbook on restoring Mediterranean wetlands. Follow the 'More' link below to access these resources.


Coming in the next edition

In the next issue we will look at biodiversity ahead of International Biodiversity Day on 22 May. We will focus on the themes of Climate Change and Biodiversity and give updates on the exciting projects we support that are part of these Working Groups.

Coming up in the July edition

In the next issue we will focus on knowledge and citizens and the cross-cutting actions from the projects in this working group, which aim to engage and empower people and communities, as well as support behavioural, social and cultural changes for a fair and inclusive transition.

Webinar: Biodiversity as a key asset for forest restoration in Europe

Targeting researchers, practitioners, NGOs, policymakers and other interested stakeholders, the project IUFRO/SUPERB conducts the Monthly Forest Restoration Talks to investigate forest restoration questions from diverse scientific perspectives, with alternating focus on the global and European levels. This includes exploring practical forest restoration approaches, experiences and challenges worldwide.

Upcoming webinars tbc Feb/Mar

Join our next webinar in February when we will be covering xxxxxx. Aimed at xxxxx we will explore xyz topics. Register your place here

Science for all – 16 top tips for engaging the public

Citizen science is a rapidly emerging mode of research and innovation, and one which the projects funded under the Horizon 2020 Green Deal call are increasingly using to engage citizens in adapting to and tackling climate change.

Public participation and collaboration through citizen science

In our webinar series, cutting-edge developments and innovations from the Green Deal Call projects are highlighted. In this first webinar, we looked at citizen science, the practice of public participation and collaboration in scientific research to increase scientific knowledge.

Visit our new website

Our website provides more information about the Green Deal Projects Support Office, including the latest articles on the innovative projects, and contact details of organisations and projects you can connect with.

Don’t miss the opportunity to speak to the inspiring leaders behind these ground-breaking projects.

Find out about the five Working Groups

The 73 projects are developing solutions that respond to the climate crisis, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, provide more protection to Europe’s biodiversity and habitats under threat, and accelerate a sustainable socio-economic recovery, leaving no one behind. The Support Office has organised them into five Working Groups:

Strategic crisis management in the EU

The Scientific Opinion of the Group of Chief Scientific Advisors on "Strategic crisis management in the EU", informed by the Evidence Review Report by SAPEA, is now available on the Publications Portal of the European Union for download and print on demand.

Strategic crisis management discussed at the STOA panel meeting

On 15 December 2022 experts from SAM and EGE presented and discussed with members of the Panel for the Future Science and Technology at the European Parliament (STOA) their main scientific and ethical recommendations on strategic crisis management in the European Union.