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Joining forces to reverse biodiversity loss

The European Research Executive Agency has acknowledged four projects funded under the Green Deal Call for their direct input to the Green Deal, the 2030 EU Biodiversity Strategy and the proposed Nature Restoration Law. Find out more about these projects and the important work they carry out to promote biodiversity.


date:  30/03/2023

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Scientists claim that biodiversity loss, exacerbated by climate change, could lead to a large reduction in European biodiversity levels that could destabilise many ecosystems, leading to knock-on effects with natural disturbances of wide ranging proportions. 

As a response to this threat, REST-COAST, along with WaterLANDSSUPERB and MERLIN, is striving to deliver large-scale restoration interventions. Being spread out across a wide-range of European ecosystems and territories, the four Green Deal projects will pave the way for further upscaling and replication activities in the years to come.

Read the full article here.

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