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The 2022 EU Industrial R&D Investment Scoreboard

The results of the 2022 Scoreboard reveal challenges and opportunities for the EU as it seeks to improve its technology capabilities and reinvigorate its industrial base in the context of increasing global competition pressure and ongoing green and digital transformations.

Project update

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Video - what is GDSO?

Learn about the aims of the GDSO, working groups and what to expect over the next year in this exciting EC-funded programme.

Welcome to our first newsletter!

Our newsletter will be published every quarter, and it is addressed to all the 73 projects funded under the Horizon 2020 Green Deal call, their staff and networks and also all the readers interested in the Green Deal topics.

Enhanced dialogues

The Directorate-General for Research and Innovation (DG R&I) has introduced enhanced dialogues with Member States. The goal of these dialogues is to create a country-tailored approach to foster research and innovation in the participating Member States. So far, five high-level meetings have taken place with Croatia, Czechia, Greece, Lithuania, Poland and Estonia to kick-start the conversation.

MLE on R&I Foresight

The MLE on Foresight will promote improvements in R&I foresight across participating countries through identification, development and dissemination of good practices in institutionalising foresight capability, carrying out foresight projects, and using foresight for R&I policy purposes.

PSF Newsletter is back

Like the activities of the Policy Support Facility (PSF) themselves, the PSF newsletter has been interrupted for some time in the context of the transition from Horizon 2020 to Horizon Europe, as well as the COVID-19 crisis. Now, we are glad to announce that the newsletter is back, and that the first two country reviews under the Horizon Europe PSF have delivered their final policy recommendations.