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The implementation of the short-term actions of the AU-EU Innovation Agenda is intensifying.

The implementation of the short-term actions of the AU-EU Innovation Agenda is intensifying. This work is kicking off with a series of online workshops. The first edition will take place on 28 November 2023 and will focus on intellectual property rights. Read more below and register now! In addition, the 19th RUFORUM (Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture) Annual General Meeting took place in Yaoundé, Cameroon. Then, discover the expert's interview of the month with Laurent Bochereau, the newly appointed EU Science Counsellor to the African Union. Enjoy catching up on these AU-EU R&I cooperation updates!

Expert’s interview of the month: Laurent Bochereau

What does the future hold for AU-EU Research and Innovation? How can Africa’s scientific potential be unleashed? Laurent Bochereau, the newly appointed EU Science Counsellor to the African Union, provides his insights on Research and Innovation cooperation between Africa and Europe in an exclusive interview.

19th RUFORUM Annual General Meeting successfully concluded in Yaounde, Cameroon

RUFORUM (Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture) is a consortium of African universities with the aim to address the needs of small-holder farmers by fostering innovation and collaborations between stakeholders. The 19th RUFORUM Annual General Meeting took place in Yaoundé, Cameroon, from 28 October until 2 November 2023. Alongside this meeting, two events related to the AU-EU HLPD´s Research and Innovation Partnership FNSSA (Food and Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture) also took place.

A series of online workshops to implement the AU-EU Innovation Agenda has been launched!

As part of the implementation of the AU-EU Innovation Agenda, a series of online workshops featuring training modules in “deep tech” will be organised addressing the priority areas of action of the AU-EU Innovation Agenda. The objective of these workshops is to engage AU-EU innovators and participating stakeholders in the implementation of the AU-EU Innovation Agenda by providing concrete opportunities for collaboration, training and networking. The first virtual edition will take place on 28 November 2023 and will focus on one pivotal driver of innovation: intellectual property rights, spanning different sectors (e.g. health, climate, food systems, etc.). Check out the programme and register now!

‘Heavy red meat eaters could be CO2-taxed in the future’

Interview with Eric Lambin, member of the Group of Chief Scientific Advisors to the European Commission, gave an interview about the scientific consensus towards sustainable food consumption in the EU and the new scientific opinion on this topic.

Towards Sustainable Food Consumption - one page summary - translated in 20 EU languages

This one-page summary gives an overview of the most relevant recommendations from the recent Scientific Opinion on Sustainable Food Consumption. It has been designed for citizens, who should know, why and how they could rethink their diets and consumption habits in order to save global food resources and improve their health. This one-page summary has been translated in 20 EU languages and will be available as of Monday - 11 September - on the EU publications portal. Enjoy reading!

Join the LEAP-RE Stakeholder Forum on renewable energy in Kigali!

The next Long-term joint EU-AU Research and Innovation Partnership on Renewable Energy (LEAP-RE) Stakeholder Forum will take place in Kigali, Rwanda, from 10 to 13 October 2023. This second edition aims to build up the LEAP-RE community by offering an opportunity for knowledge sharing and a space for fruitful meetings and exchanges. Save your seat now!

AU-EU Interface launched

The new AU-EU Innovation Interface is now online on the Innovation Talent Platform. It offers information on initiatives, resources and opportunities addressed to innovators, entrepreneurs, researchers and investors, generated as part of the implementation of the joint AU-EU Innovation Agenda.

The joint AU-EU Innovation agenda is now adopted

On 19 July, the African Union and the European Union jointly adopted  the AU-EU Innovation Agenda, defining concrete actions for each of the four priorities of the  AU-EU Cooperation in Research and Innovation: Public Health, Green Transition, Innovation and Technology, and Capacities for Science. The Agenda is also accompanied by a roadmap providing an overview of the Agenda’s governance as well as implementing initiatives.

Successful first AU-EU Innovation Festival

The inaugural AU-EU Innovation Festival, organised by the European Union, the African Union, and South Africa, concluded successfully in Cape Town. Aiming to kick-start the implementation of the AU-EU Innovation Agenda, it brought together innovators, entrepreneurs, and stakeholders through pitching sessions, discussions on challenges faced by women and youth-led innovations, and project exhibitions. Workshops and collaborative efforts will follow in the future to continue engaging stakeholders and maintain dialogue, advancement of research, innovation, and socio-economic development in both regions.

In this issue

Read all about the successful and first-ever AU-EU Innovation Festival which took place in Cape Town, South Africa, and online on 15 June. It provided a vibrant platform for showcasing cutting-edge ideas, engaging in fruitful pitching sessions, and fostering collaborative partnerships. Read all about this successful event. On 19 July, the African Union and the European Union adopted the joint AU-EU Innovation Agenda. This newsletter will give you all the information you need about the newly adopted document, which aims to transform the innovative capacities and achievements of African and European researchers and innovators into tangible results such as products, services, companies, and job. The new AU-EU Innovation Interface is now launched! Its purpose is to connect research and innovator stakeholders at the interface between Africa and Europe to bring value to the impact of the Innovation Agenda. Finally, do not wait to save yourself a seat to the second edition of the LEAP-RE Stakeholder Forum on renewable energy that will take place this October in Kigali, Rwanda. Happy reading!