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Results 2024 innovation procurement benchmarking across Europe

Join us for the online workshop on 25 June 2024. The European Innovation Procurement Observatory will present the results of the 2024 benchmarking of national investments and policy frameworks on innovation procurement across Europe. Learn how much the 27 EU Member States, Norway, Switzerland and the UK are investing in innovation procurements in different sectors (health, energy etc) and on strategic technologies like ICT. Find out which policy measures they have deployed to encourage public buyers to invest more in the future. Ask your questions to the experts and participate in the QandA / debate. Register to receive the webex link.

Data Releases

Calendar of data releases and indicator based publications.


Special edition of the newsletter: EU Knowledge Valorisation Talk

Open market consultation: Innovative solutions to increase safety on motorways

The Austrian road operator ASFINAG in cooperation with the ASECAP association of 125+ motorway operators in Europe are inviting potentially interested bidders to participate in the open market consultation for their upcoming innovation procurement as they are looking for innovative solutions to detect and remove lost objects and waste from motorways and roadside. Seize your opportunity and present your innovative solution! Submit your innovation by September 9, 2024

European Council Conclusions call for reinforced action on innovation procurement

The May 2024 Council conclusions on knowledge valorization recognise innovation procurement as a key instrument to valorise research and innovation results into societal use and economic value. They encourage all EU Member States to ensure the recognition of innovation procurement in their national and regional innovation strategies and to promote its uptake with public buyers.