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Info session: European call for pre-commercial procurements on greening healthcare - 28 May: 10h00-12h30

Join us on 28 May in the online info session about the European call that offers funding to support consortia of health and care procurers who want to buy together the development, testing and potentially also the first deployment of innovative solutions for greening health and care systems. You can already submit questions about the call in advance via Slido. The indicative call budget of 15 million € aims to fund 3-5 exciting projects. The call is already open NOW and the deadline for submitting proposals is 26 November 2024.

Info session: European Innovation Procurement Awards 2024 - 30 May: 14h00-15h00

Are you a public or private buyer that has purchased the development and/or deployment of an innovative solution? Are you a buyer or policy maker that has setup an innovation procurement initiative that triggers several innovation procurements in your organisation, city, region or country (e.g. an innovation procurement programme or action plan)? Then join us at the online Info session on 30 May, 14h00-15h00, to find out how to apply for the European Innovation Procurement Awards. Win one of these European prizes. 75.000 Euros prize money for the winners!

Call for tenders: integrated health and care pathways enhancing response capabilities

The DYNAMO buyers group brings together 4 healthcare buyers from Italy, Poland, Spain and Portugal. The buyers group invites all interested suppliers to submit offers for its pre-commercial procurement that is looking for integrated tools that enable the modelling and dynamic assessment of integrated health and care pathways enhancing response capacity of health systems. Deadline for submission of offers is extended until 20 May 2024

Open market consultation: Home based care and remote monitoring

The PROCURE4HEALTH buyers group brings together 18 healthcare buyers from France, Belgium, Poland, Italy, Portugal, UK, Denmark, Turkey, Poland, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Estonia and Greece. The buyers group invites all interested suppliers to participate in the open market consultation for its upcoming pre-commercial procurement that challenges the market to develop innovative solutions for home based care and remote monitoring. Join the online meeting on 26 June between 10h00-11h30 CET and complete the online questionnaire.

Uniting restoration efforts across waters, sectors, and communities

Welcome to the third edition of the Mission Ocean and Waters newsletter, your gateway to the united effort to restore our ocean and waters by 2030. In this issue, we're exploring the latest Mission developments and initiatives aimed at preserving the health of our marine environments.

Celebrating progress and knowledge-sharing at the GDSO Board of Coordinators

We held our annual Green Deal Projects Support Office board of coordinators meeting, and in-person working group meetings in Brussels on 24 and 25th April. Over the two days, Green Deal-funded project representatives from across Europe met with the GDSO team and European Commission policy officers to celebrate project milestones, share insights, and discuss plans for the future.

The event served as a dynamic platform for disseminating learnings and exchanging valuable information, fostering a culture of collaboration and growth within the programme.

Innovation Procurement helps to achieve greener procurement

The EU and the United States have issued a Joint EU-US Catalogue of Best Practices on Green Public Procurement. It presents policies, practices and actions used in all stages of the procurement process, from strategic planning and pre-procurement to procurement and the post-contract award stage. It provides examples of how public buyers are buying often innovative solutions to tackle environmental and climate challenges, such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions, improving energy efficiency, or promoting circular economy approaches. It serves as inspiration for policymakers and suppliers globally, and provides ideas for the uptake of green solutions in public procurement work worldwide via the WTO GPA sustainable procurement work program.

Letta report calls for reinforcing innovation procurement in Europe

The report by former prime minister of Italy, Enrico Letta, proposes ideas for the future of the EU single market to the incoming presidencies of the European Council and the European Commission. In this context, the report calls on the EU to set a target for innovation procurement spending in Member States, to create one common procurement legislation across the EU, to make it the norm to buy interoperable solutions, to offer support to small companies to comply with tender evaluation criteria and to award public contracts based on best value for money instead of lowest price considerations only.

Call for tenders: Post-COVID data model

The ministry of interior of Germany invites potentially interested bidders to submit offers for their pre-commercial procurement. Aim is to develop an open, freely available and cross-sectoral data model to support post-COVID research in the long term. Deadline for submission of offers is 6 May 2024.

Upcoming Horizon Europe call for pre-commercial procurements on civil security

The call aims to support consortia of end-users and public procurers from several countries that want to launch together a pre-commercial procurement for acquiring the development of innovative civil security technology solutions. The indicative budget of 10,5 million € aims to fund 2 projects. The call for proposals is expected to open on 27 June and close on 20 November 2024.