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Meet the Mission Cities! Selected Cities of the Mission for 100 Climate-neutral and Smart Cities by 2030 are announced

We are delighted to announce the 100 selected cities of the Mission for 100 climate-neutral and smart cities by 2030. 12 cities from Associated Countries and from countries that are in the process of negotiating their association to Horizon Europe were also selected to participate in the Cities Mission.

date:  28/04/2022

In the press release announcing the Mission cities, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said “The green transition is making its way all over Europe right now. But there’s always a need for trailblazers, who set themselves even higher goals. These cities are showing us the way to a healthier future. We will support them on this! Let’s begin the work today.”

The selected cities constitute a strong and diverse group, including cities from all Member States of the EU. A map with all cities is available in the factsheet.

The NetZeroCities consortium which manages the Mission Platform will now begin the work with the first cities on their Climate City Contracts.

More than 370 cities expressed their interest and ambition to become climate-neutral and smart by 2030. 

While not all of those cities can be full members of the Cities Mission, their work towards climate neutrality by 2030 will still be of utmost importance. Therefore, several forms of support will be available to the cities which are not among those selected for the Mission, including services from the Mission Platform, support through national networks and local/regional efforts, R&I projects under the Cities Mission Work Programme of Horizon Europe and other programmes for cities.

For more information, read the FAQs and visit the Cities Mission website.