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ICCAT 2012: EU to push for Protection of Bluefin Tuna, Marlin and Sharks as fight against illegal fishing continues

The International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tuna (ICCAT) is holding its annual meeting in Agadir, Morocco, from 12 to 19 of November 2012. In this annual meeting the European Commission, which represents the EU, is hoping to build on the success of last year's negotiations which included decisions on multi-annual management measures for Mediterranean Swordfish and Tropical Tuna along with protection measures for silky shark and seabirds based on best available science.

EU’s Arctic Policy: Questions and Answers

What is the Arctic region? While various definitions are in use for the Arctic, here, the notion “Arctic region” covers the area around the North Pole, north of the Arctic Circle (latitude 66 degrees, ...