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L'Union européenne et la Côte d’Ivoire renouvellent leur l’accord de partenariat de pêche pour une durée de six ans

Les négociations qui se sont tenues du 13 au 16 mars 2018 à Abidjan ont permis d’améliorer le protocole conformément aux orientations politiques des deux Parties. Le nouveau protocole, d’une durée de six ans, donne accès aux eaux ivoiriennes à 36 navires de l’Union européenne, offrant ainsi au secteur de la pêche européen des opportunités à la fois rentables et durables. De plus, sa durée donne aux pêcheurs concernés la certitude de pouvoir exercer leur activité jusqu’en 2024.

EU-Morocco Fisheries Partnership: launch of the negotiations for a new protocol

The European Commission has adopted a recommendation that aims at obtaining authorisation from the Council to open negotiations for the conclusion of a new fisheries protocol between the European Union and the Kingdom of Morocco. The current, 4-year protocol to the Fisheries Partnership Agreement with the Kingdom of Morocco will expire on 14 July 2018.

The EU leads the way in implementing the ecosystem approach in the Nortwest Atlantic

At the meeting of the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organisation (NAFO), which took place in Montreal from 18 to 22 September 2017, the European Union was instrumental in advancing key conservation measures based on the best available scientific advice, aiming to ensure sustainability for the stocks and predictability for the industry's future.

Smooth running of 2017 Bluefin tuna season: first time for all EU operators to use electronic catch documentation system

The Bluefin tuna fishing season in the Western and Central Mediterranean Sea and in the Adriatic Sea came to a close on 21 June at 8 AM for purse seiners, 3 days before the official closure on 24 June (open since 26 May). Thanks to the implementation of an international recovery plan and to the efforts of fishermen, catch limits for Bluefin tuna were increased in 2017, as the stock showed continued signs of recovery.

My Ocean is #OurOcean

After the United States of America and Chile, the European Union is proud to host the 4th edition of the "Our Ocean" conference, at the initiative of High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini and European Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Karmenu Vella.