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European maritime and fisheries fund (EMFF)

European maritime and fisheries fund (EMFF)

Commissioner Vella welcomes €82 million investment package for the Lithuanian fisheries sector

The European Commission has adopted on 17 August a key investment package for the Lithuanian fisheries and aquaculture sectors. Covering the period 2014-2020, the operational programme (OP) under the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) is worth almost €82 million, including €63 million of EU investments. Investments will be targeted at enhancing the competitiveness, sustainability and viability of Lithuanian fisheries and aquaculture businesses.

"Sailing towards 2020" conference, Brussels, 2-3 March 2015

The Directorate General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of the European Commission, with the assistance of the FARNET Support Unit, is organising a high level conference on the results of Axis 4 of the EFF and the future of Community-Led Local Development (CLLD) in coastal communities.

Aquaculture in Motion 2014

Keynote speech by Lowri Evans at the Federation of European Aquaculture Producers' Conference, 'Aquaculture in Motion 2014', Committee of the Regions, Brussels 1 December 2014

14 down, 14 to go: Progress continues on Partnership Agreements

The European Commission has reached the halfway mark in its adoption of each Member State's "Partnership Agreement". Partnership agreements between the European Commission and individual EU countries set out the national authorities' plans on how to use funding from the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) between 2014 and 2020. They outline each country's strategic goals and investment priorities, linking them to the overall aims of the Europe 2020 strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.