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Building a maritime strategy in the Black Sea

Developing the blue economy in the Black Sea was the theme of a high-level conference held on 15 September in Batumi (Georgia). Under the title "Connecting the region through marine and maritime cooperation", this 4th annual stakeholder event was co-organised by the European Commission, the Georgian Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development and the Georgian Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Protection.

Planification de l'espace maritime: la Commission demande à 5 États membres de communiquer leurs mesures nationales de transposition de la directive relative à la planification de l'espace maritime

La Commission a décidé aujourd'hui d'adresser des avis motivés à la Bulgarie, à la Croatie, à Chypre, à la Finlande et à la Grèce pour manquement à l'obligation de notifier la transposition complète dans leur législation nationale des dispositions de l'UE établissant un cadre pour la planification de l'espace maritime (directive 2014/89/UE).

World's aquariums stand up for Our Ocean

Monaco's iconic Oceanographic Museum will be the suitable stage, when on 27 July, the European Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Karmenu Vella launches the global campaign "World Aquariums Against Marine Litter" together with HSH Albert II, Prince of Monaco, and in the presence of the Executive Director of UN Environment Programme, Mr Erik Solheim, and the CEO of the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums, Mr Doug Cress.

Smooth running of 2017 Bluefin tuna season: first time for all EU operators to use electronic catch documentation system

The Bluefin tuna fishing season in the Western and Central Mediterranean Sea and in the Adriatic Sea came to a close on 21 June at 8 AM for purse seiners, 3 days before the official closure on 24 June (open since 26 May). Thanks to the implementation of an international recovery plan and to the efforts of fishermen, catch limits for Bluefin tuna were increased in 2017, as the stock showed continued signs of recovery.

2nd Implementation Report on EU Maritime Security Strategy shows increasing cooperation across sectors and regions

Last week, the European Commission and the High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy adopted the second implementation report on the EU Maritime Security Strategy. The purpose of this Joint Staff Working Document is to give readers an overview of the activities currently under way at EU and national level and to take stock of the implementation the Maritime Security Strategy Action Plan as reported by Member States.

Joint Statement on the occasion of World Oceans Day

On the occasion of the World Oceans Day (8 June), Federica Mogherini, the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Karmenu Vella; Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, made the following statement:

The UN Ocean Conference

On Monday, 5 June, the United Nations opened the Ocean Conference, a high-level event to support the implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 14 (SDG14): Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development.