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2nd Implementation Report on EU Maritime Security Strategy shows increasing cooperation across sectors and regions

Last week, the European Commission and the High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy adopted the second implementation report on the EU Maritime Security Strategy. The purpose of this Joint Staff Working Document is to give readers an overview of the activities currently under way at EU and national level and to take stock of the implementation the Maritime Security Strategy Action Plan as reported by Member States.

date:  19/06/2017

The second implementation report focuses on five priority areas identified in the first implementation report and endorsed by the Council in 2016 : information sharing initiatives; capacity building and capability development; actions supporting sectoral or regional strategies development; research, innovation and training; and inter-agency cooperation.

The report builds on contributions from Member States and EU institutions and concludes that considerable progress has been made in all priority areas. In particular, the strategy has led to an important change in mind set among maritime security players. Cooperation across sectors has increased, as well as synergies between civilian and military authorities and shared use of their respective assets.

The report also points to positive developments in other areas, such as inter-institutional and regional cooperation, capacity building in third countries, development of civil-military dual-use technologies and research agenda.

However, given that the Action Plan is by nature a rolling plan, revision may be needed to ensure that the policy response remains fit to address current and future challenges.