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Press Release

New Skills Agenda: a blueprint for sectoral cooperation on skills

The New Skills Agenda adopted today aims to reduce the mismatch between the skills people are taught and the skills needed by the service sector and manufacturing industry. It is designed to improve the quality and relevance of skills to meet the need of a rapidly changing labour market and increase the understanding of skills and qualifications in the European labour market.

40th Annual Session of the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean: the start of "a new era in fish stock recovery"

The 40th annual session of the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) drew to a successful close on 3 June. Decisions made in Malta are in line with the European Commission's strategy to improve the state of the Mediterranean fish stocks and the economic prospects of the fishing industry. Commissioner Karmenu Vella expressed his deep satisfaction with the outcome, which "ushers in a new era of action to help fish stocks recover and fishing communities thrive."

European Maritime Day - taking Blue Growth to the next level

Blue growth is here to stay, concluded the 1200 marine and maritime economy stakeholders who gathered in Turku, Finland, last week to celebrate the 9th edition of the European Maritime Days. “A sustainable marine economy is not a dream, it is a reality”, said Commissioner Karmenu Vella in the Opening Session of the conference. “Across Europe – he went on - people are working hard on innovation and pushing boundaries”. European Commission Vice-President Katainen listed a number of blue economy projects already selected for EFSI support, stressing the importance of new investments for all maritime innovations.

European Commission adopts ecolabelling report

The European Commission adopted on May 18 a report on the feasibility of an EU ecolabel scheme for fishery and aquaculture products. The report analyses three options for action by the EU: reinforcing the use of existing tools; mimimum requirements set by the EU; or establishing an EU-wide ecolabel scheme. It discusses each option's feasibility, advantages and disadvantages.

UN/CEFACT adopts the FLUX Standard for sustainable fisheries management

World fish stocks are being depleted by overfishing and illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing. This threatens not only the fish, but also the coastal communities that rely on fisheries for economic survival and a dependable food source. The European Commission has worked in close cooperation with EU countries and non-EU countries to develop the FLUX standards in order to exchange fisheries information in an effective, transparent and efficient manner.

European Maritime and Fisheries Fund launches in Romania

Romania has officially kick-started funding under the EU's European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) for the period up to 2020. The launch of the Fisheries and Maritime Affairs Operational Programme 2014-2020 (POPAM) took place on 21 April in the city of Tulcea in the Danube delta.

A summit for the Mediterranean

Commissioner Karmenu Vella was invited to deliver a speech at the “Mediterranean Leadership Summit” organized by the Economist in Malta on 28 and 29 April 2016. The conference comes at a time when the countries of the Mediterranean Sea are called upon to share their vision for stability, growth and competitiveness in the region.

Commissioner Vella launches #MedFish4Ever campaign

Many Mediterranean fish stocks are in a worrying state, with alarming consequences for income and jobs in the Mediterranean fishing sector. To highlight the need for action, European Commissioner for Fisheries and Maritime Affairs, Karmenu Vella, yesterday launched the campaign #MedFish4Ever. More than 80 representatives from EU institutions, European regions, business, and NGOs gathered at the European Commission stand at the Seafood Global Expo in Brussels for the launch event.

Brussels: Governments discuss the future of the Mediterranean at Seafood Expo

Concerned with the steep decline of fish stocks in the Mediterranean, on 27 April Commissioner for the Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Karmenu Vella hosted a high level Ministerial meeting with fisheries ministers from countries bordering the Mediterranean. Nineteen out of twenty-two riparian countries were represented, as well as GFCM (General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean), FAO and MEDAC (Mediterranean Advisory Council).

EU and Canada step up cooperation in the fight against illegal fishing

The EU and Canada today signed a Joint Declaration on illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing, sending a strong message of zero tolerance towards such criminal activities. The declaration was signed by Karmenu Vella, EU Commissioner for Environment, Fisheries and Maritime Affairs, and the Canadian Minister of Fisheries Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard, Hunter Tootoo.