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Press Release

Progress made on EU – Morocco Fisheries Partnership

On 18-20 October the 3rd Joint Committee under the 2014 – 2018 EU-Morocco Fisheries Partnership Agreement Protocol met in Rabat. The Parties assessed the second year of implementation of the protocol: both the fishing activity carried out by the EU fleet and the implementation of the EU support to the Moroccan fisheries sector were reviewed.

New discard plans adopted for the Mediterranean and the Black Sea

The Commission has adopted today two Delegated Regulations establishing discard plans for certain demersal fisheries in the Mediterranean and in the Black Sea. Discarding is the practice of returning unwanted catches to the sea, either dead or alive, either because they are too small, the fisherman has no quota, or because of certain catch composition rules.

POLLUTION AT SEA: Give us your opinion

Is the system regulating waste disposal for ships working fine or should it be updated? Is it ok for fishing vessels and small recreational boats to be exempt from certain rules on waste disposal in port?

Commission and Baltic cruise industry launch Baltic Cruise Dialogue in Copenhagen

Encouraged by the European Commission's strategy for growth and jobs in coastal and maritime tourism, the stakeholders representing cruise lines, ports and destinations of the Baltic are engaging to shape the future for cruise tourism in the Baltic sea basin. They are meeting today in the first Regional Dialogue for sustainable jobs and growth in the Baltic Sea basin.

European Commission promotes EU aquaculture at Edinburgh conference

Fish farmed in the European Union is among the best in the world: a tasty, high-quality dish produced according to the world's strictest health and environmental standards. European aquaculture is also a sector with vast growth potential: today, 57% of the farmed fish consumed in the EU is imported.

First Blue Economy Business & Science Forum and awards

The first Blue Economy Business & Science Forum is currently taking place at the International Maritime Museum of Hamburg (12 and 13 September 2016). This initiative by the European Commission aims at improving cooperation between the public and private sectors so that research results can find their way to the market more quickly.

Sustainable blue growth in the Baltic Sea Region

The Baltic Sea is a hotbed for innovation and competitiveness, the Baltic Sea Region also features a strong tradition of transnational cooperation for working with and for a healthy Baltic Sea. In order to harness these unique characteristics, the Commission is now taking the development of the Baltic Blue Growth Agenda one step further.