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Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Commissioner Vella at G7 Environment Ministers meeting in Toyama, Japan

EU Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and FisheriesKarmenu Vella is travelling to Toyama to participate in the meeting of G7 Environment Ministers on 15-16 May. G7 representatives from France, Germany, Italy, the UK, the US, Japan and Canada are also attending.

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Maritime Affairs Fisheries

date:  13/05/2016

The main items on the menu are the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, resource efficiency, biodiversity and action to tackle climate change. This is the first G7 Environment Ministers meeting since 2009 and the first following the signature of the Paris Agreement on climate action and the commitments at the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. In the margins of the G7 ministerial meeting, Commissioner Vella will meet with Japan's Environment Minister Ms Tamayo Marukawa and the State Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Mr Ken Saito. He will also meet with the State Minister in charge of the Ocean Policy, Ms Aiko Shimajiri and visit the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organisation, an institution engaged in innovative projects on ocean energy. For more information, visit the website of the Japanese G7 Presidency.