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Press releases/news articles

Agriculture and Fisheries Council, 22 April 2013

The Agriculture and Fisheries Council meeting of April 2013 will take place in Luxemburg on 22 April 2013, under the presidency of Mr Simon Coveney, Irish Minister of Agriculture, Food and the Marine.

Inter-institutional dialogue progressing on CFP reform proposal

Trialogues are under way between the European Parliament (EP), the Irish Presidency on behalf of the Council and the Commission, with a view to reaching agreement on the reform of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP). Four meetings have taken place and four more are scheduled to follow, during April and May.

Fisheries Partnership Agreement EU - Gabon

The third round of negotiations between the European Union and the Republic of Gabon, concerning the renewal of the Protocol and the Annex to their Fisheries Partnership Agreement (FPA), took place between April 10 and 12, 2013 in Libreville.

Commission launches initiative on sustainable management of marine and coastal areas

Today the Commission launched a proposal to improve the planning of maritime activities at sea and the management of coastal areas. The proposal – which takes the form of a draft directive – aims to establish a common European framework for maritime spatial planning and integrated coastal management in EU Member States, with a view to ensuring that the growth of maritime and coastal activities and the use of resources at sea and on coasts remain sustainable.

Commissioner Damanaki calls on support of national parliaments

EU Commissioner Maria Damanaki and Irish Minister Simon Coveney presented an update of current negotiations on the reform of the EU Common Fisheries Policy to the Chairpersons of Agriculture and Fisheries Committees of the National Parliaments of EU countries at a meeting in Dublin.

Joint Committee EU-Mauritania

The EU-Mauritania Joint Committee, under the current EU-Mauritania Fisheries Partnership Protocol, took place on 19-20 February in Paris.